Ch. 18

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"No funny business while he's here, okay?" Logan told Remus, putting the kettle on the stove.

"Me? Funny business? I would never." Remus smirked at him, sitting on the counter. "You expect so little from me, sugarcube."

"I passed out when we first met." Logan rolled his eyes. "Not exactly a fantastic first impression."

"I'm not...talking to him, am I?" Remus asked cautiously, smirk slipping off of his face.

"Well, no." Logan frowned at him. "He already thinks I'm mentally ill, we don't need him knowing my apartment is haunted."

"Our apartment." Remus grinned at him again, winking. "Communism."

Logan rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, not even bothering to grace that with a reply. Remus followed him, hopping off of the counter.

"So, what are you two going to talk about?" Remus asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Who knows?" Logan sighed, sitting down next to him. "I'm hoping he has some topics in mind."

There was a knock at the door.

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." Remus said.

Logan ignored him, walking over and opening the door. He opened the door, and was greeted with a very nervous Roman.

"Uh, hey Laurence." Roman mumbled pathetically, giving a small wave.

Logan sighed, opening the door a little wider.

Roman wordlessly walked in, sitting down on the couch.

Right next to Remus.

Logan observed how similar they looked. The mustache was really the only thing that differentiated them.

Remus was staring intently at Roman, who was unsurprisingly oblivious to it.

"So, uh," Roman pursed his lips, glancing in between Logan and the floor, "the weather's nice."

Logan glanced outside the window, and saw that it was raining.

"No, it's not." Logan corrected before he could help himself. Roman went red with embarrassment, putting his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm usually more prepared than this." He murmured into his hands. He glanced up at Logan, who shuffled awkwardly by the door.

There was a moment of silence, Roman returning his face to his hands.

"Sit. Down." Remus hissed to Logan. "You're making me feel awkward."

Logan robotically obeyed, stiffly walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"I..." Roman began, gaining the attention of Logan (and Remus, but he wasn't aware of that). "I haven't been in here in awhile." Roman put his hands down, looking around. "Patton was right. It's nice."

"Thank you." Logan nodded.

"Coming in here doesn't feel as...heavy. At least, not as much as I thought it would." Roman shrugged weakly. "You've probably found out by now, but my brother used to live here."

"Uh, yeah." Logan mumbled, suprised that Roman had brought it up.

Based on the expression on Remus' face, he was suprised as well.

"I was there, y'know." Roman said blankly, staring at the floor. "When he did it."


Roman frowned, looking at his bank account.

He could've sworn there wasn't that much money in there before. In fact, he was positive there wasn't that much money in there before.

He had asked Patton about it when he had gotten home from work, but his roommate claimed to not know anything about it.

So, he had dialed his brother's number.

It began to ring, but was almost immediately declined.

Roman frowned, furrowing his brow. He exchanged a confused glance with Patton, before calling again.

This one was declined faster, and was followed by a single text.


Roman felt perturbed, a sense of dread looming over him.

"Patton?" He choked out, looking over at his roommate. "Do you know where Remus is?"

"Not at the moment, no." Patton murmured, shifting uncomfortably. "Try asking Janus."

"I was texting him a second ago, he would've told me if Remus was at his place." Roman swallowed anxiously.

There were screams from outside, and Roman immediately looked out of the window.

All the people on the streets were pointing at their building.

Specifically, the roof.

An indescribable sense of terror filled Roman, and he immediately rushed out of the apartment.

He could hear Patton behind him, but didn't pay him much mind.

Roman took the stairs, already mentally deeming the elevator too slow.

The puzzle put itself together as he ran up the stairs. Remus' odd behavior, the sudden increase of money in his bank account, the single text.

Roman begged--Roman prayed that he was wrong.

He reached the top, desperately sucking air into his lungs. He wasn't sure if he was panicking, or if it was because he had just ran up multiple flights of stairs.

He swung the door open.

At the sound of the door, the person on the roof turned to him.

"Roman?" Remus asked from the ledge. "You're not supposed to be here."

"What are you doing?!" Roman yelled. "Just get down from there, okay?!" He held his hand out, offering it to his brother.

"You don't have to do this, Ree!" Patton spoke up from behind Roman, who had forgotten he was there.

"You don't understand." Remus pursed his lips, and they could see him tearing up. "This is something I have to do."

"No--Remus!" Roman walked foward a little bit. "I know this seems like it's the only answer, but I swear it's not! We can get you help! It doesn't have to end like this!"

"This is for the greater good, Ro!" Remus laughed humorlessly, wiping his eyes. "Just forget about me, okay?! Live your life!"

"Remus, you're my brother! My best friend!" Roman cried, pleading with his eyes. "Please!"

"I'm sorry, Ro." Remus smiled at him.

And with that, he stepped off of the edge.

"REMUS!" Roman screamed, running over to the ledge.

The last thing Roman heard before his mind went blank was Patton screaming and a sickening crack.


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