Ch. 10

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When Logan got home, the first thing he did was look for Remus.

After his vague conversation with Janus, he was determined to get some answers. Janus hadn't revealed anything about Remus, which wasn't too suprising, but frustrating nonetheless. Logan needed more details, that way he could figure out how to get rid of Remus.

"Looking for me, sugarcube?" Remus asked, poking his head through the wall from Logan's bedroom.

Logan yelped, placing a hand on his heart. "Don't do that!" He scowled, glaring at him.

Remus laughed, fully walking through the wall. "You're so easy to scare, I couldn't resist." He smirked. "Have fun at work?"

"How do you know Janus?" Logan questioned.

"Not wasting any time, I see." Remus chuckled. "That wasn't the question I expected you to ask, I'll admit."

"What did you expect me to ask?" Logan crossed his arms.

"How I died." Remus answered without a hint of hesitation. "It's what I would've asked."

"I'm not you."

"Clearly." Remus rolled his eyes. "Unlike you, I'm actually fun."

"I'm loads of fun." Logan frowned.

"A person who spends their days writing a novel about mental illness isn't fun." Remus told him. "It's a well-known fact."

"You're avoiding the subject." Logan pointed out.

"Is that what I'm doing?" Remus rose a brow, smirking.

"Why won't you tell me about your relations with Janus?" Logan interrogated, furrowing his brow.

"I don't consider it to be very useful information." Remus shrugged, grinning at Logan.

"It could be vital in finding out how to let you leave Earth." Logan told him slowly. "I need that information."

"Eager to get rid of me already?" Remus placed a hand to his chest, feigning heartbreak. "Ouch."

Logan didn't know how to respond to that, falling silent. Remus walked over to the window, a relaxed expression on his face.

"I first met him over there." Remus mumbled, pointing out the window.

Logan walked over, following his gaze.

It was an alleyway.


Remus pulled his hood over his head.

He really didn't wanna spend his Saturday like this. Working, as usual. It's not like he had much of a choice, anyways.

"Well, well, well." A voice from the alleyway he had just passed sneered. "Do my eyes deceive me? Could that really be Remus fucking Prince?"

Remus froze, turning back towards the alley and peering in.

Oh, shit.

"Jasper Jakobsen." Remus smiled wryly. "It's been awhile, huh?" He leaned against the wall. "You finally got my middle name right!"

Jasper Jakobsen, not a huge threat to Remus, but a threat nonetheless. The guy was convinced that he was superior to Remus in every way, that's why he was so pissed when Remus was the one who got promoted.

He looked at Jasper's company. Everyone seemed to be smoking. "I see you've made some new friends. Were the kids down at the juvenile detention center being mean?"

Jasper scowled. "You really fucking irritate me, you know that?"

"Oh, poor thing. You gonna cry to your mommy about it?" Remus pouted, mocking him.

A shove from behind him caused Remus to stumble into the alley.

Jasper punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the floor. Remus glared at him, rubbing his jaw.

Jasper kneeled down, pulling out a pocketknife and lazily pointing it at Remus' throat.

Remus gulped, but tried not to lose face, looking Jasper dead in the eyes.

"What if I just killed you right now, huh?" Jasper contemplated, tilting his head. "What would happen then?"

"Not much, I'd assume." Remus shrugged, feeling more nervous the longer the knife was pointed directly at his Adam's apple. "I doubt you'd get promoted."

"Uh, Jasper, I don't think--" One of Jasper's friends, a boy with a large scar on his face, spoke up.

Jasper gently shushed him, not taking his eyes off of Remus. "Oh, I'll let him go. That's if--" Jasper used his free hand to roughly grab Remus' face. "--he squeals like a little pig."

He harshly released Remus' face, smirking at him expectantly. "Go on, then. Squeal for me, pig."

"You'd love that, wouldn't you? Dirty boy." Remus winked. "I have a better idea. Why don't you let me go, and I don't report this to the higher-ups?"

Jasper laughed. "Funny, I think you've been misinformed about the situation you're in."

"Not a fan of that one, eh? Alright, then." Remus shrugged. "How about this? I kick your asses and walk away with that one as my new best friend?" He suggested, pointing to the boy with the scar.

Jasper glanced at who he pointed at, before snorting. "That's my little brother, dumbass. He's your age."

"You're sixteen?" Remus asked the boy, who hesitantly nodded. "A little young to be hanging with this type of crowd, aren't you?"

"You're one to talk." Jasper scoffed. "He's fully capable of handling himself. In fact..." Jasper held the knife out to his brother. "...why don't I let him do the honors?"

"Me?!" The boy squawked, pointing to himself. "I don't think I could--"

"Janus, don't be a pussy." Jasper growled, holding the pocketknife out a little further.

The boy, Janus, hesitantly took the knife.

He kneeled down in front of Remus, attempting to imitate the stance his brother had earlier. He shakily pointed the tip of the blade at Remus' neck.

"Hey there." Remus grinned at him. "I'm Remus, nice to meet you."

Janus was looking at him in disbelief.

"Go on, Janus. I'm tired of hearing this little shit's voice." Jasper edged him on.

"You don't really like doing this, do you?" Remus tilted his head. "You don't have that look in your eyes."

"...what look?" Janus asked.

"The look of someone who's willing to take a life." Remus said. "You might have that look after today, though."

"Janus," Jasper scowled, "kill him."

"Yeah, Janus." Remus smirked at him, something intense in his eyes. "Kill me."

They looked into each other's eyes, and a mutual understanding was met between them.

They were going to beat the fuck out of these guys.


These flashbacks are gonna be a recurring thing, if it wasn't obvious.

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