Ch. 17

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"Then, maybe that's it?"

"Maybe what's it?" Remus furrowed his brow, a little offended that Logan had interrupted his story.

"Maybe the reason you're still here is because of that woman!" Logan told him. "Can you think of any unfinished business you'd have with her?"

"Oh, I assure you. Our business is very finished." Remus snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Where would I even find this woman?" Logan muttered to himself, ignoring Remus.

"Woah--You're not seriously going to look for her, are you?" Remus asked incredulously. "That's stupid!"

"Why? There's a chance that she's the reason you haven't...ascended? Descended?" Logan frowned.

"She's--" Remus huffed, running a hand through his hair. "Listen, trust me. Finding her won't solve any of my problems."

"But if there's even the slightest chance that it could, I'm going to take it." Logan told him. "You think Janus would know?"

"Why are you so determined to get rid of me, sugarcube?" Remus groaned, giving Logan his best attempt at puppy eyes. "Am I getting in the way of your masturbation time? You can do it, I won't judge."

"It's not that I want to get rid of you." Logan shook his head, choosing to ignore the end half of that statement. "I feel bad for you."

"Feel bad? For me?" Remus tilted his head.

"Yeah." Logan hummed, relaxing into his spot on the couch. "I couldn't imagine what it would be like. Trapped here, no one to talk to, for a whole year." He looked at Remus. "You can't be happy here."

Remus furrowed his brow, pursing his lips.

"So, I'm going to help you." Logan asserted, a determined look on his face. "I want you to be happy, Remus. Since you've done so much for me."

"So much? What are you talking about?" Remus snorted.

"Fixing my don't even understand how much that meant to me." Logan turned fully to him, gently smiling. "Think of it as a thank you gift."

Remus looked away, shrinking slightly. "You don't need to thank me, it was the least I could do."

"Roman would probably know how to find her." Logan murmured, standing up.

"Logan!" Remus snapped, scowling. "You're not finding her! You think they called her 'The Dragon Witch' for no reason?! She was such a--"

Remus was cut off by a knock at the door.

Logan looked at the clock, confused as to who was visiting him so late.

He got up and opened the door.


"Oh, Roman." Logan mumbled, bewildered. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"I just wanted to apologize about last time we spoke...I've felt terrible about it." Roman rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "I shouldn't have exploded on you, I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly understandable, don't worry about it." Logan reassured him, awkwardly smiling.

"Are you free tomorrow? I, um, thought we could get coffee or something. My treat, of course. To make it up to you." Roman bit the inside of his cheek.

"Say yes. Say yes. Say yes." Remus chanted from behind Logan.

"Thank you, but it's fine." Logan told him politely.

"WHAT?!" Remus squawked. "Logan! Buddy! You have the reconsider! He's offering a free meal!"

"Oh, um, okay." Roman stammered, clearly not expecting that. "Well, uh, see you later, then. Take care of yourself, Leopold."

"Leopol--? You're doing this on purpose."

"I wish I was."

"Well, um, I'll see you later." Logan mumbled, shrugging.

"No. No! You have to invite him over! Look how devastated he is!" Remus exclaimed, pointing at Roman's face.

Logan did feel a bit bad. "You could come over for tea tomorrow, if you'd like?"

Roman lit up, eyes sparkling. "You mean it?"

"Yeah, why not?" Logan pursed his lips awkwardly. "It feels like I've been talking to myself lately."

"Fuck you, Logan." Remus said.

"Okay!" Roman nodded eagerly. "Uh, what time should I come over?"

"Morning, early afternoon." Logan told him. "Around those times."

"Then it's settled!" Roman grinned at him. "I'll come around eleven, is that okay?"

"That's perfect." Logan nodded, realizing he didn't have work tomorrow.

"I'll see you later, Landon!" Roman waved, turning back to his apartment.

"That's not--" Logan tried to correct him, but Roman was already gone. He sighed, slightly irritated. "Why does he only mess up my name?"

"Give him a few years, he'll remember it eventually." Remus shrugged.

"A few years?" Logan echoed incredulously, closing the door.

"That's how long it usually takes him." Remus smirked at him.

"I'm going to make sure he knows what my name is when he comes over tomorrow." Logan mumbled to himself, shaking his head. "Also, I need to ask him about this woman you mentioned."

"Oh my god--How many times do I have to say it?! You shouldn't go looking for her!" Remus snapped.

"Maybe I shouldn't, but that doesn't mean I won't." Logan huffed, crossing his arms.

"So stubborn!" Remus exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. "You know what? Fine." Remus walked over to the coffee table, picking up a pen and a napkin.

Logan watched him scribble something out, before having the napkin roughly shoved into his hands.

"Emile...?" Logan read out. Underneath the name was an address. "Who is--"

"He's your best bet for getting to her." Remus grumbled, not looking delighted at all. "He'll definitely agree with me, though. You shouldn't get mixed up with her."

"Thanks, Remus." Logan nodded, looking at the napkin. "I appreciate it."

"Thank me later." Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes.


This is kinda late whoops-

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