Ch. 35

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“Jan!” Patton laughed nervously, quickly blocking his view of Logan and Roman. “What were you saying?”

“What the hell is going on?” Janus asked, voice cautiously hostile. “Why are they tied up?” He pressed. 

“Tied up?” Patton tilted his head, smiling widely. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you’re seeing things again, Jan.”

“Janus!” Roman screamed, causing Logan to jump. “Help!” 

Patton paled, turning and shooting him a glare. 

“No--What the fuck is going on?” Janus backed away a bit, his voice shaking. He quickly pulled out his phone, and Patton pulled out his knife and pointed it at him.

“Let’s not do anything hasty, Jan.” Patton said calmly, voice lowering. “Just walk away, and pretend you didn’t see anything.” 

Janus blanched, eyes widening as he stared at the knife. He glanced back at Roman and Logan, who were watching the two of them silently. A strange expression overtook his face, before he met Patton’s eyes again. 

“No.” He spat, causing the assassin’s brow to furrow incredulously. 

“...No?” Patton repeated. “Wha--? Do you not understand the situation, Jan? I’m threatening to kill you.” 

“You wouldn’t be the first.” Janus shrugged, beginning to take off his coat. “I hear I have quite the target on my back.” 

Patton watched him in confusion. “You--”

Janus threw his coat in Patton’s face. 

“WHA--?!” The assassin exclaimed, flinching away. 

Janus kicked Patton in the dick, causing him to release a strangled noise as he fell to the floor. The heterochromia eyed boy grabbed the knife out of the taller’s hand, and rushed over to Logan and Roman. 

“You have a lot of explaining to do.” He hissed, cutting the ropes off of their hands. 

Roman burst into tears, rubbing his (now free) wrists. “Thank you!” 

“Whatever, okay?” Janus scowled, pulling out his phone and quickly dialling 911. He tossed the phone to Logan. “Talk to the operator.” 

With that, he turned back to Patton, who was beginning to stand up. 

“911, what’s your emergency?” Came from the phone. 

“Uh, yeah, hi.” Logan murmured, watching Janus charge at Patton with his knife raised. “So, uh, a hitman working for Anne-Marie Ågren is fighting my coworker right now.” 

Janus swung the knife at Patton, who dodged to the right. 

“I’m sorry?” 

“Yeah, it sounded kinda ridiculous when I said it out loud.” Logan pursed his lips. “You know Anne-Marie Ågren? The mob boss? Was put in jail not too long ago?” 

Patton threw a punch at Janus, who ducked under it and swiped at Patton’s stomach. The hitman jumped back, the knife only managing to lightly graze his shirt. 

“I’m familiar.” 

“Yeah, so, her assassin--hitman--guy is fighting my coworker?” Logan glanced at Roman, seeing him stand up to help Janus. “Oh--Well, my neighbor is joining in on the fight now.” 

“Okay, sir--What’s your name?” The operator asked, clearly dumbfounded. 

Roman kicked the back of Patton’s knee, letting Janus get a particularly good cut on Patton’s cheek. 

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