Ch. 4

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I censored the majority of the conversation, so you'll forever be confused as to what we were talking about.

Logan woke up in the middle of the night.

He sighed, not finding it unusual in the slightest.

Ever since Logan was a kid, he would find himself waking up in the middle of the night. He wasn't sure why, it just began happening one day. It wasn't like he had trouble sleeping. He could always fall asleep very easily.

It seemed to be more of a subconscious reaction. Like he knew to wake up at that specific time. Perhaps a traumatic experience from his childhood that he somehow forgot? Maybe just a weird trait that he has?

It was bothersome, considering he actually wanted a full night's rest.

A noise startled him out of his thoughts. It came from the living room. He cautiously sat up, being careful not to make any noise.

He slowly made his way to the living room, each of his steps very deliberate and quiet.

He peeked into the room, looking around for the source of the noise. He knew better than to call out, it could be a burglar. Making his presence known was not the smartest thing to do in this situation.

He slowly stepped out of his room after concluding that no one was in the living room.

He looked around, now curious.

His eyes landed on a pencil case that had been knocked to the floor.

At that moment, the hallway light outside of his apartment turned on. Logan sharply inhaled, startled.

He furrowed his brow, confused as to who would be up this late.

He crept towards the front door, quiet as a mouse. He placed his head on the door, listening to the other side.

Quiet shuffling, like someone was purposely trying to remain silent.

Logan took a deep breath, before swinging the door open.

The person, a boy, jumped in alarm.

Handsome was the first word that came to Logan's mind.

His jawline was perfectly cut, giving him an almost prince-like complexion. Perfectly styled red hair lay on top of tanned skin, as he stared at Logan with brilliant emerald eyes.

Another thing to note about him was that he clearly worked out, if his toned biceps were any indication.

Logan thought he had heard a gasp from behind him, but he turned and saw no one.

"Um, hello." The boy apprehensively waved. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was already up." Logan mumbled awkwardly.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" The boy sighed. "Well, I was going for a late night walk. Care to join me?"

Logan looked down at his attire.

He was still wearing the clothes he had went to the cafe in. A black sweater and a pair of jeans. His hair also probably looked like a mess.

"Uh, sure." Logan nodded, stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him. "I'm guessing that you're Patton's roommate?"

"Oh, yes." He chuckled. "I'm Roman. It was...Larry, right?"

"Er, Logan."

"Oh! That's right!" Roman frowned. "I'm terrible with names, sorry."

"It's fine, I understand." Logan mumbled. "Well, um, after you."


Together they made their way to the elevator, an awkward silence filling the air.

Logan cleared his throat, trying to break the quiet. "So, um," he began, already regretting the decision of opening his mouth, "why didn't you wanna visit me?"

"Oh." Roman's eyes widened, suprised. "It's nothing personal, really. It's just...well, surely the landlord told you." He mumbled, shaking his head a bit.

"Told me...?" Logan frowned in confusion.

"About the last tenant?" Roman rose a brow. "He really didn't...? I suppose that makes sense." He frowned. "Nevermind, then. Forget I said anything."

Logan was confused, but didn't touch on the subject anymore. "When did you move here?"

"I think it was...five years ago?" Roman hummed. "Maybe four. I know it's been awhile."

The elevator dinged as they reached the bottom floor. They both walked out.

"That's quite a long time." Logan nodded.

"I guess." Roman shrugged. "This place...I don't think I could ever leave it."

"You've grown attached?" Logan suggested, walking over and opening the lobby door.

"Something like that." Roman sighed, a sad smile gracing his face. They both walked out. "What drew you to this place, Liam?" Roman asked, beginning to walk along the sidewalk.

"Logan." He corrected, walking next to Roman.


"It was nice, it was affordable." Logan shrugged.

"Boring things, then?" Roman chuckled, glancing at him. "I know there's more to it than that. You have that look in your eye."

"What look?" Logan frowned in confusion.

"The look of a dreamer. The look of a man who has a passion." Roman smiled slightly, returning his gaze foward. "What really drew you to this place?"

Logan pursed his lips. "Well, um,"

"Yes?" Roman hummed.

"There's near here." Logan mumbled. "The most successful writers went there when they were young and I just...I dunno..."

"You wanna be a writer, then?" Roman asked.

"More than anything." Logan admitted. "It's silly, I know--"

"I don't think it's silly at all." Roman told him. "I wanted to be on Broadway when I was younger. My mom told us--me that singing and acting was for girls." He sighed, frowning. "But I still work for that dream every day."

"That's...very admirable." Logan nodded.

"I'm glad you think so." Roman chuckled. "You should work for your dream too, Lukas. Apply to that college. No one has any right to tell you not to."

"It's Logan."

"I'm very sorry."

"Maybe you're right..." Logan muttered, more to himself than to Roman.

The rest of the walk was spent in comfortable silence.


You don't even UNDERSTAND how tempted I was to have Roman go, "Don't let your dreams be dreams!"

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