Ch. 13

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"You think Janus' financial situation is the reason I'm still here?" Remus rose a brow, looking at Logan from the couch.

"Yes." Logan nodded, loosening his tie as he took his shoes off. "I ran into him at the restaurant. Turns out, he works there."

"Damn, two jobs now? What a workaholic." Remus snorted.

"Remus, I'm being serious." Logan shot him a look, sitting down on the couch. "He'll be dead in a few months if this continues."

"Isn't your dad super rich? Just ask him to cough up some cash." Remus shrugged, relaxing into the couch.

"It's not that simple, Remus." Logan frowned.

"Right, forgot your dad was an asshole." Remus nodded.

"Was Jasper the one funding Janus and Virgil?" Logan asked Remus, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah," Remus told him, "until he kicked the bucket, that is."

"And who was funding them after that?" Logan frowned, trying to piece together the puzzle in his head.

"Well, uh, me." Remus chuckled awkwardly. "I was supporting them until I, well, y'know."

"Really? You?" Logan tilted his head.

"Why did you say it like that?" Remus frowned. "Yeah, me. Did I stutter, bitch?"

"Okay, relax." Logan mumbled. "That does help my theory, though. You not being able to support them anymore is a perfect reason to stay behind. To make sure they're okay."

"Well, how do you plan to fix that problem?" Remus snorted, raising a brow.

"Easy," Logan smirked, "I have them move in here."

Remus' fell through the couch in suprise. "What?!" He squawked, looking up at Logan. "Here?!"

Remus stood up, shaking his head. "No. That won't work." Remus told him. "First off, Janus won't wanna live here. Secondly, you have no room for not only Janus, but an eleven your old boy."

"Well, it's the only viable option I can think of!" Logan snapped. "I'm sorry, okay?! I made a complete fool of myself earlier, so I can't think clearly."

"Logan? Making a fool of himself? Color me suprised." Remus murmured sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Logan rose a brow.

"Hm? Oh, nothing." Remus shook his head, looking away innocently. "Why don't you check out their place first, huh? See what you have to work with, then you decide what to do."

"That isn't a bad idea." Logan hummed in thought.

"See? I might be dead, but I can still come up with good ideas." Remus smirked, running a smug hand through his hair.


"Can I go to your house?" Logan asked Janus when he walked into work the next day.


"Can I go to your--?"

"No--I heard you." Janus interjected, holding a hand out, as if he was trying to physically stop Logan. "It just took me a minute to process the sheer stupidity that just came out of your mouth."

"Stupidity?" Logan frowned. "I just wanna go to my friend's house."

"We're not friends, first of all." Janus scoffed, putting a hand on his hip. "Second of all, good on you for asking instead of just following me home, stalker."

"I'm not a--" Logan huffed, an irritated expression on his face. "Listen, I want us to be closer. We may not be friends now, but we could be in the future!"

"Didn't take you for the sentimental type." Janus snorted, rolling his eyes. "So, you wanna be friends with me?"

"That's right." Logan nodded. "It doesn't have to be for too long, I just wanna come over."

Janus scrutinized him for a moment, skepticism shining brightly in his gaze. Logan shifted a bit uncomfortably.

" know what?" Janus shook his head, laughing slightly in disbelief. "Fuck it. Why not? Sure, you can come over."

"Really?" Logan asked, eyes widening.

"Just take it before I change my mind." Janus huffed, looking down at the cash register. "Come home with me tomorrow. I should have the place cleaned up by then."

"Great." Logan gave him a grateful smile. "I appreciate it, Janus. I hope you don't come to regret this."

Janus snorted. "Me too."


"So, you're heading over to his place tomorrow?" Remus asked.

"Yeah," Logan nodded, taking a bite of his salad, "after work. I'll probably be back pretty late."

"You say that as if I care." Remus rolled his eyes. "I don't sleep, sugarcube. It's one of the 'perks' of being dead."

"How was I supposed to know that? You're stupidly vague about--well, everything." Logan scoffed.

"Vague? Hmm, no. I like to think of it as being...mysterious." Remus winked, smirking at Logan, who rolled his eyes.

Logan was a bit excited, honestly. He would finally meet Virgil, who he'd been talking about without even meeting the kid. Then again, Logan had no idea how to handle children. It was most likely going to be a trainwreck.

It probably wouldn't be too different from handling Remus, honestly.

Logan snickered at his own thoughts, shaking his head in amusement. He supposes he should give Remus more credit. He didn't know how he would react to waking up one day as a ghost.

"Hey, Logan?" Remus spoke up. Logan looked over to him.

Remus looked a bit embarrassed about what he was about to say, which immediately struck Logan as odd. He had been convinced that nothing embarrassed Remus.

"What is it?" Logan asked, tilting hus head.

"C-Can--" Remus cringed a bit. "Can you tell me how Janus is doing when you get back?"

Logan stared blankly at him, before a small smirk made its way to his face.

"You softie."

"Shut up!"


I actually hate this one, but what can you do?

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