Ch. 32

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"So, obviously, my solution was to remove myself from the equation." Remus gestured to himself.

Logan frowned. "You--That's--" He shook his head. "There has to have been another way out!"

"If there was, it wouldn't matter anyway. My corpse is already buried six feet under." Remus snorted. "Did that spark any ideas within you, sugarcube?"

Logan thought for a moment. Was there any part of that story that could reveal why Remus hadn't moved on yet?

Obviously, Remus had taken care of most of the problems that would be left behind in the wake of his death.

Or had he?

"That's it!" Logan gasped, the pieces suddenly falling into place. "It's Roman!"

"Roman?" Remus furrowed his brow. "What about him?"

"You never found out if Ms. Ågren was still watching him or not!" Logan explained. "More specifically, you never found out if--"

"--if he was safe." Remus finished, crossing his arms. "That--" He glanced away from Logan. "I had never thought of that."

"Wh-When--" Logan took a deep breath. "Before Emile died, he had said something like 'he trusted you.'" He recounted. "I can only assume he was either referring to you or Jasper." Logan pushed up his glasses. "Based on the information I have, I'm gonna guess he was referring to you."

" don't think that Ms. Ågren's spy is still watching Ro, right?" Remus asked quietly.

"It's likely. I mean, what if he knows more than he lets on?" Logan frowned. "It's not like they can kill him though, right? After all, you have that person as insuran--"

"That was a bluff." Remus put his face in his hands. "My only friends were Emile, Janus, Patton, and Roman. Obviously, Janus and Roman were not an option. I wasn't that close with Pat, so I didn't know if I could trust him. As for Emile?" He shook his head. "I couldn't do that to him."

"So, you're telling me you risked your twin brother's life on a bluff?" Logan asked incredulously.

"Well, it sounds bad when you put it that way--"

"Remus, you can't do that!" Logan snapped.

"What else was I supposed to do?!" Remus exclaimed. "I couldn't just leave and let them kill any of them!"

"Whatever." Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. "We need to figure out who's watching Roman. If they were to figure out that you were bluffing..."

"Oh, god." Remus breathed out.

"It's going to be okay." Logan instinctively reached a hand out to place on Remus' shoulder, before placing it back by his side. "We'll find them."

"You'll find them." Remus shook his head. "I'll be stuck in this stupid apartment."

Logan pursed his lips. "I promise you, Remus. I'll make sure he's safe."

"Okay." Remus nodded. "I trust you." He took a deep breath.

"I'll go and ask Roman if he's noticed anything weird." Logan stood up. "I won't be long."

He turned to leave.


Logan raised a brow, spinning around to look at Remus.

The ghost was looking anywhere but Logan. "When you find this person..." he began quietly, "I'll go away."

" don't know if--"

"I do know." Remus met Logan's eyes. "I can feel it." He looked at his hands. "I'll move on."

Logan didn't know what to say. "You--"

"What if we're wrong?" Remus whispered. "What if there's nothing after this? What if I just cease to exist?"

"That won't happen."

"You don't know that!" Remus snapped, wrapping his arms around himself. "I'm scared, Lo."

"Remus, I know that you'll exist." Logan reassured. "You'll exist right here." He placed a hand on his chest.

Remus stared blankly at him. "...on you man-tit?"

"No, idiot." Logan rolled his eyes. "In my heart." He smiled. "Even if there's nothing waiting for you, you'll still be in my heart. Roman and Janus' too. You were here, and you were real."

Remus blinked rapidly, his eyes watering. "Jesus, sugarcube." He sniffled, wiping at his eyes. "Stop getting all mushy with me."

Logan chuckled. "I'll be back."


Logan gave the door two swift knocks.

Almost immediately, it was swung open and Logan was trapped in a big hug.


"Hi, Roman." Logan huffed fondly, patting his back.

Roman pulled away, taking Logan's hands in his. "We were so worried. You have no idea." He gave him a once over. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine!" Logan laughed. "I have you two to thank for my escape, right?"

"All we did was read the note you left behind." Roman shook his head. "That was smart of you, by the way. I would have never thought of that."

"Uh, yeah." Logan rubbed the back of his head. "Where's Pat?"

"He's in his room." Roman said. "He's been in a really bad slump lately, but I'm sure hearing that you're safe is sure to improve his mood."

"Is he alright?" Logan furrowed his brow, concerned.

"I'm not sure." Roman sighed, releasing Logan's hands. "He was fine the other day, and now he won't leave his room."

"Listen, Roman, I have to go in a second, but I just wanted to check in on you." Logan told him. "How have you been?"

"Check in on me?" Roman pointed to himself, tilting his head. "Why?"

"You and I are friends, of course." Logan gave him a pat on the shoulder. "How have you been? Notice anything weird? Been in any danger?"

"Wha--?" Roman blinked. "Uh, no. No, not really."

"Are you sure?" Logan made his smile wider. "Any guns been pointed in your face lately?"

"I don't--" Roman glanced back into his apartment.

"You would tell me if you were in any danger, yeah?" Logan placed a hand on Roman's shoulder.

"Of course--Uh--" Roman pursed his lips. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Logan nodded, releasing Roman's shoulder. "I'm gonna go." He turned to head back towards his apartment.

"Oh, okay. I'm glad you're alright, Lenny." Roman gave him a stunned little wave.



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