Ch. 9

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"I quickly learned that if I focus really hard, I could grab things!" Remus grinned at Logan. "And if I focus even harder, I can make people hear me! Like you did when you first moved in!"

"That was you?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

"Yup!" Remus hummed, flopping onto the couch. "I honestly thought that it'd take me longer to get used to this, but I adapted fairly quickly. That's human nature, I guess."

"Why am I the only one who can see you?" Logan questioned, sitting down next to him.

"That's one question I don't have the answer to." Remus shrugged. "You couldn't see me when you first moved in, it was only last night when you could see me."

"Strange..." Logan murmured. "I don't remember doing anything particularly interesting that day, how about you?"

"Nope." Remus sighed. "Not anything that stood out, anyways."

Logan hummed in thought, leaning back into the cushions.

"Maybe we're soulmates~" Remus winked at Logan, who rolled his eyes.

"As if such a thing exists." Logan scoffed. "There has to be something that triggered this."

"I don't really know, and I don't really care." Remus shot Logan a grin.

"Do you know why you even came back as a ghost as the first place?"

"Eh, the usual, probably. Unresolved problems, the lingering need for closure, you've read the stories." Remus winked at him. "I read your book, by the way."

Logan choked on his own spit, turning bright red. "What?!"

"Well I had to, in order to fix it." Remus snorted. "Your dad is an asshole, by the way. That was totally uncalled for."

"I know he loves me, but I..." Logan sighed. "I hate the way he chooses to punish me."

"Punish you? For what?" Remus rose a brow. "Following your dreams? Pursuing your passions?"

Logan remained silent, not sure how to answer that. He looked down at his hands, pursing his lips.

Remus sighed, looking sympathetic. "You know he can't control you, right? You're eighteen, Logan. You're legally an adult."

Logan still didn't say anything, only glancing at Remus. He honestly didn't know why he let his father have such a huge influence over him. It was probably because his father had provided for him all these years, giving him food and shelter.

"Look, I don't know what your relationship is like with your old man," Remus began, sighing, "but where I come from, family doesn't treat each other like that."

"Speaking of family," Logan cleared his throat. "What is your relation with Roman?"

"Roman?" Remus tilted his head. "He's my twin brother, why?"

Twins, huh? That explains a bit.

Logan's eyes drifted to the clock, and he instantly stood up. "I have work."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Remus snickered. "Where do you work again, a gas station?"

"A cafe." Logan told him, rushing to put his shoes on.

Remus went quiet for a second. " wouldn't happen to be 'Sanders' Cafe,' would it?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. That's the one." Logan murmured, grabbing his keys. "Why? You wanna come?"

"Can't." Remus yawned.

"Why not?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

Remus rolled his eyes, before dramatically standing up. "Open the door."

Logan was stunned for a second, before obeying Remus' command.

Remus took a deep breath, before running towards the door.

He crashed into an invisible barrier, falling on his back. Remus looked up at him with the most sarcastic expression Logan had ever seen.


"Go have fun, wouldn't wanna make J-Anus mad." Remus mumbled, closing his eyes and making himself comfortable on the floor.

"You know Janus?" Logan asked.

"Oh, I'm very familiar with Janus." Remus smirked. "Now shoo, you gotta get to work."


Logan burst into the cafe, breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry!" Logan exclaimed, trying to catch his breath. "I didn't mean to be late!"

Janus just rose a brow, rubbing at his eyes. "Oh, I didn't even notice you weren't here."

Logan let out an airy chuckle in disbelief, heading to the back. "Good to know that you value my company."

As he grabbed his apron and put it on, he thought back to what Remus had said.

Remus and Janus had known each other, and quite well based on what Remus had said.

Remus has apparently died quite young, so they probably became friends pretty early in life.

Janus must've known what happened to Remus, then. Logan had to admit, he was pretty curious. Remus seemed pretty carefree, so he most likely didn't hold any grudges. Perhaps the lingering feelings were Janus' and not Remus'.

"Hey, Janus?" Logan called, walking out of the back.

Janus grunted in reply, making someone's order.

"Do you have any friends?"

Janus snorted, glancing at him. "Why do you care?"

"I'm just curious." Logan told him. Technically, it wasn't a lie.

Janus hesitated for a second, pouring the order into a cup. He wrote the person's name on the cup. "I used to." He called the person's name.

They came to get their order. The second they turned away, Janus put the pen behind his ear.

He glanced at Logan. "Not anymore."


I don't really like the content of this one, it's hella boring.

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