Ch. 16

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"How did you feel about Janus?" Logan asked the second he stepped through the door.

"What?" Remus asked, releasing a startled laugh. "Janus?"

"Yes," Logan nodded, looking Remus dead in the eyes.

Virgil had quickly shooed him out after the movie was over, so he didn't return as late as Logan thought he would.

"He was my best friend, I told you that." Remus rose a brow.

"Yes, but what did you feel about him?" Logan pressed. "What did you think of him?"

"Well..." Remus hummed in thought, "he was...dependable, quick-witted, a good man."

"And...?" Logan pushed foward, searching for something specific in Remus' eyes.

"And I was very lucky to have him." Remus shot him a quizzical look, before putting on a slightly confused smirk. "What are you trying to get me to confess, sugarcube?"

"Did you love Janus?" Logan asked, really looking deep into Remus' expression. "Romantically, I mean."

"I didn't, no." Remus rose a confused eyebrow. "Why? You jealous, sugarcube? Don't worry, I'd never abandon you." He made kissy faces at Logan, who rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to know if that was the reason you're still here." Logan sighed. "Back to stage one, I suppose."

"Wow, you're determined to get rid of me, huh?" Remus snorted. "I'm wounded, Logan. Honestly, I--"

"How did you die, Remus?"

Remus flinched like Logan had just spit on him, eyes widening. "Uh." He muttered, dumbstruck.

"Sorry! That was insensitive, wasn't it?" Logan frowned, suddenly ashamed of himself. "I haven't been thinking clearly, lately."

Remus blinked, regaining his senses. "Yeah, it's almost like suddenly having a ghost roommate fucked with your head." He sighed, standing up and walking towards the window.

He scanned the area for a bit, before his eyes landed on one specific spot. "There." Remus mumbled, tapping the window.

Logan looked over to where he was pointing.

It was a single spot on the pavement, just in front of the apartment building. Logan stared at the spot for a moment, trying to pick up on what Remus was trying to communicate.

It struck him, and he felt like an idiot.

"That's..." Logan swallowed, "that's where you died."

"Yeah, it is." Remus shrugged like it was no big deal. His finger pointed upward. "I was up there, and then I went," He slowly pointed his finger toward the ground, "splat."

Logan went pale. " jumped off...?"

"That I did." Remus smirked at him. He plopped back down on the couch, stretching his limbs out on it. "Didn't hurt, actually. It was just scary."

"Remus, you jumped off?" Logan repeated, horror in his eyes. "You...killed yourself?"

"Well, yeah, but it's a little more complicated than that." Remus huffed, running a hand through his hair. "I had no choice, okay?"

"Of course you had a choice!" Logan snapped, feeling hurt by that. "That's--I understand that you felt like you had no other option, but--"

"I did have no other option." Remus told him. "Probably. It made sense at the time, anyways. I guess I could've...but, I chose the better option."

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