Ch. 11

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"You met him over there?" Logan asked, snapping Remus out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, we did." Remus nodded, turning his head to Logan, a nostalgic smile on his face. "We hung out with his older brother."

"I wasn't aware he had an older brother." Logan furrowed his brow.

"Oh, he doesn't. Not anymore." Remus shrugged. "Jasper was an asshole, anyways. No one was sad when he keeled over."

"Uh, that's..." Logan murmured, "good?"

"You think the death of Janus' older brother is good? Didn't think you were so hardcore." Remus smirked at him. Logan turned bright red in embarrassment, eyes widening.

"Wha--I--But you--!"

"Relax, I'm teasing." Remus rolled his eyes. "I think it's good too."

They shared a moment of silence. Logan watched Remus, who looked out the window, almost longingly.

"When was the last time you went outside?" Logan asked gently. Remus hummed in thought, not even looking at him.

"Let's see, I died about...nine months ago." Remus murmured. "So, nine months."

"And you've just been by yourself this whole time?" Logan frowned.

"Well, not the whole time." He looked at Logan, a grin on his face. "Everyone I care about came and visited me. Well, they actually came to pack up my stuff, but...I like to think that they wanted to visit me."

"What was it like?" Logan tilted his head. "Watching your entire life be taken down in front of you, I mean."

"That's an oddly dark way of putting it, but," Remus chuckled awkwardly, "it was like...slowly watching everything I had lived for fade away."

Logan furrowed his brow, suddenly determined. "I'm going to let you move to another realm."

"What?" Remus asked, releasing a startled laugh.

"Heaven, I'm going to help you get to heaven!" Logan told him, a fire in his eyes.

"I don't think I'm going to heaven, sugarcube." Remus snorted, looking back out the window.

"Well, not with that attitude." Logan grumbled, rolling his eyes. "

Logan's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. He answered it, a semi-irritated expression on his face. "Hello?"

"Hello, Logan."

"Father!" Logan's eyes widened in suprise. Remus glanced at him, already looking annoyed.

"Hey, Logan." His father sighed. "Listen, I feel awful about what happened the other day. I shouldn't have have handled it like that."

"It's fine." Logan assured. Remus mouthed 'no, it's not,' and he was promptly ignored.

"I was just so angry about you disobeying me, and you not calling me, and you applying for a writing school, and you--well, you understand."

Logan squirmed uncomfortably. "Right."

"Well, why don't we get dinner? That way, we can make it up to each other."

"This motherfucker is testing me--" Remus began, rolling up his sleeves.

"Right now?" Logan asked, interrupting Remus. He gave Remus a look, and he instantly rolled his sleeves back down with a pout.

"If that's alright with you. Your mother will be joining us." His father told him. "I'll come pick you up. Dress nicely."

And with that, his father hung up.

"Your dad's about to catch these hands." Remus told him immediately.

"Remus." Logan frowned at him in disapproval.

"What?! I'm right!" Remus yelled, watching as Logan stood up to go change. "He's such a dickhead!"

"That's a little harsh." Logan closed his bedroom door.

"Is it?" Remus rose a brow. He made his posture really stiff, putting an ugly expression on his face. "'I'm Logan's dad. I eat the souls of the innocent in my free time. Come, son, let us eat dinner together so you can make it up to me.'"

"We're making it up to each other." Logan corrected from the bedroom.

"Do you really think he feels bad about what he did?" Remus asked sarcastically. "Honestly, I'm curious."

"Of course he does, Remus. You don't know him as well as I do." Logan reassured him, walking out of the room in his suit. "How do I look?"

"Way too good to be eating with the Antichrist." Remus told him bluntly.

"Remus!" Logan snapped.

"What?! You can't even tell me I'm exaggerating, because I'm not!" Remus put his hands on his hips.

"Listen, I don't want you talking about my dad like that." Logan scolded. "He's the man who raised me, I love him."

Remus scoffed, sitting down on the couch. "Fine, do whatever you want. I'll stay here and raid your fridge to see if I can still eat."

"Should I bring leftovers, then?" Logan tilted his head.

"Uh, duh?" Remus rolled his eyes. "Order something good. If your dad's paying, order the most expensive item."


"What?! You have to take advantage of this opportunity!"


His father arrived thirty minutes later.

Logan took a deep breath, then opened the door.

"Hello, Logan." His father nodded.

"Hello, father." Logan smiled awkwardly.

"I need to use the restroom, where is it?"

"Oh, uh, around the corner." Logan opened the door a little wider to let his father inside.

"I'll be just a minute." His father told him, unknowingly walking past Remus.

Remus stuck out his tongue at him, and smirked in satisfaction when the bathroom door closed.

"You're so childish." Logan whispered to Remus.

"I am not childish!" Remus laughed loudly. Logan was about to shush him, but remembered that his father couldn't hear Remus.

"Oh? What are you then?" Logan whispered, raising a brow.

"I am the warrior, sent to kill Satan's incarnation." Remus got into a fighting position.

"That is not--!"

"Logan, who are you talking to?" His father asked from the bathroom.

"Oh, uh, myself!" Logan replied, instantly facepalming.

Remus guffawed.


First Logan centric book I've made EVER, pog?

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