Ch. 7

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When Logan came to, he was lying on the floor of his living room. He groaned, slowly sitting up.

What had happened?

He looked around the room, but stopped when he spotted Remus staring at him on the couch.


Oh. Right.

Logan screamed at the top of his lungs, and Remus quickly scrambled off of the couch to try and pacify him.

"Relax! Relax!" He yelled, walking closer. "The walls are thin, your neighbors will think you're crazy!" He suddenly gasped. "Do you think the neighbors can see me too?!"

"GET OUT! GET AWAY!" Logan screamed, using his arms to push himself away.

He grabbed a nearby item, throwing it at Remus. It went straight through the ghost.

"Okay--" Remus mumbled, looking slightly amused. He looked back at what Logan had thrown."Was that the Bible?"

"I was hoping it would do something!" Logan told him, getting up and running to the door.

"Woah--Hey!" Remus shouted, grabbing the carpet and pulling it.

Logan tripped and fell on his face.

Remus jogged over to Logan, who was cursing and beginning to stand up again.

"Will you listen to me for two seconds?" Remus huffed, looking down at him.

Logan frantically crawled away, completely ignoring Remus' request.

He had to get away! Who knew what this guy was going to do to him?!

He made it to the door, yanking it open and slamming it closed behind him.

He pushed all of his body weight against the door, searching frantically in his pockets for the key.

"Logan--I just wanna talk--!"

"Just get out of my house!" Logan exclaimed, still looking for his key.

"I can't!" Remus barked.

"You're a ghost! Can't you phase through walls?!" Logan fired back. Where the actual fuck were his keys?!

"Well--Yeah! But that's only inside the apartment!" Remus yelled.

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"I was going to explain before you started screaming your head off like I decapitated your grandmother in front of you!" Remus snapped. "Can you come back inside, please? I'm not going to hurt you!"

Logan finally found his key, and quickly locked the door. When he heard the click, he sunk to the ground in relief.

The doorknob rattled. "Logan? Did you just--" It rattled some more. "Damn it, Logan! Can you calm down?!"

Logan used his arms to back himself to the other side of the hallway. He was shaking, trying to figure out how to handle this situation.


He turned to his left, and instantly screamed. He scrambled away from Remu--...



"Uh, do I really look that bad?" Roman asked, frowning.

He was sweating in his tank top and red basketball shorts. A pair of running shoes were on his feet.

"Are you alright?" He asked, offering Logan a hand.

The resemblance between Roman and Remus really was uncanny. The mustache was practically the only thing that could differentiate them.

"Logan!" Remus yelled, banging the door.

Logan jumped, instinctively retracting his hand and snapping his eyes to his apartment door. "Just get out!" He cried.

"I can't! I told you that already!" Remus groaned.

"Uh?" Roman glanced back and forth between Logan and the apartment. "Who are you talking to, Lee?"

Logan, barely noticing that Roman had used the wrong name, whipped his head over to him. "Can't you hear him...?"

"...are you alright?" Roman furrowing his brow. "Did you hit your head?"

"Logan! Open the door!"

"He's screaming! How can you not hear him?!" Logan asked, standing up. Roman pursed his lips, confusion spreading across his face."Do you know, like, an exorcist--?!"

"An exorcist?!" Remus screeched. "I'm not a demon, you asshole!"

"I'm afraid I do not have the number of any exorcists on my phone." Roman told him slowly. "Do you wanna lay down? Why don't we go into your apartment, and--"

"No! I'm not going back in there with--with him!" Logan yelled, pointing at his apartment door.

"Uh, okay?" Roman chuckled a bit uncomfortably. "Let's go to mine then, okay? Just so you can lay down for a bit."

"Yeah, okay. Okay, yeah." Logan nodded, frantically running his hands through his messy hair.

"Okay." Roman hummed, gently grabbing him by the arm and leading him to his apartment.


"A ghost?" Patton repeated, furrowing his brow. "There's a ghost in your apartment?"

"Yes!" Logan exclaimed, sitting up from his position on the couch. "A-And he won't go away!"

"Okay, okay, lie back down." Roman told him, gently pushing him back down.

Logan watched as they both turned away from him, talking amongst themselves.



They turned back to him. "Why don't you take a little nap, Lo? We'll see if we can figure out what's going on." Patton smiled.

Logan silently nodded. He felt the adrenaline seep out of him, leaving him feeling weak and tired.

He closed his eyes, deciding that this problem could be dealt with another day.


This chapter was so fun to write for literally no reason.

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