Ch. 8

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Logan woke up to Roman gently shaking him. "Wha...?" He murmured, blinking up at him.

"Hey, Leon." Roman waved slightly. "We looked all over your apartment, no ghosts in sight."

"My name isn't Leon." Logan mumbled sleepily, sitting up.

"I'll get it eventually."

"We looked for a whole hour, nothing." Patton shook his head. "What did this ghost even look like, Lo?"

"Like Roman, actually." Logan told them. "He just had a mustache."

Roman's eyes widened, and he stopped breathing for a moment. "...what? Are you sure?"

"Positive." Logan nodded. "He said his name was...Ri...Ree...?"

"Remus..." Patton breathed out, scared but sure.

"...yeah." Logan pursed his lips, a bit confused.

Roman frowned. "That isn't a very funny thing to say, Laurance.  He murmured, furrowing his brow.

"What?" Logan asked incredulously. "I'm not joking, I saw him. He told me he was a ghost, and then he..." Logan trailed off, realizing how ridiculous the rest of the story was.

"How come you're the only one who can hear him? And see him too, if our search was any indication?" Roman asked, frown deepening.

"Well--I don't know--"

"Are you trying to trick me?" Roman whispered, hurt shining in his eyes. "Give me a false sense of hope, and then rip it away from me?"


"You wouldn't be the first." Roman growled, wiping at his eyes. "I've encountered so many 'spirit channelers,' 'paranormal experts,' you name it." Roman shook his head, looking at the floor. "Can you just...not? Please? I really want us to be friends."


"I think it's better if you go, Logan." Patton told him gently, while Roman turned away. "We'll see you later, yeah?"

Logan didn't say anything, but stood up. After glancing one more time at Roman, he left the apartment.


Logan peeked into his apartment before entering it.

After seeing no one, he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Sup." Remus waved, revealing himself from behind the door.

Logan opened his mouth to scream, but Remus quickly shushed him.

"Can you listen to me this time?!" Remus barked. "I didn't hurt you last time, did I? You can trust me!"

"...I guess you didn't..." Logan murmured. His eyes drifted to the coffee table, where a stack of papers sat.

His eyes widened, and he rushed over.

His novel sat there, all the pages taped back together. "What...?" He gasped, heart swelling. "Did you do this?"

"Yeah, while you were conked out on the couch." Remus shrugged, pointing to the couch. "I had just finished, when you started screaming at me."

"Thank you." Logan breathed, shocked still.

Remus snorted. "Don't worry about it. I was bored." He waved it off.

" have five minutes to explain yourself." Logan told him, looking him dead in the eyes.

Remus sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. "I was stood where you are now."

"...when?" Logan asked.

"When I woke up like this." Remus muttered, gesturing to himself.


Remus gasped as he opened his eyes.

He looked around, finding himself in his apartment. He felt his chest, furrowing his brow.

How did he get here? He was...

He was supposed to be dead.

Remus laughed a bit hysterically, relieved but confused. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to piece together what had happened.

Had he been saved? By who? And how?

That wouldn't explain why he was stood in the middle of his living room.

Maybe Roman would know.

He walked over to his door, reaching for the doorknob.

His hand passed right through it.


That was the first thing he felt.

"What?" He whispered, eyes widening. He tried again, and received the same result. "No. No, no, no!" He cried, trying over and over again.

He stumbled back, breathing heavily.

He was dead.

He was dead. He was dead. He was dead.

"Fuck!" Remus screamed, falling to his knees. He couldn't breathe. He was only 21! He couldn't have died already!

There were so many places he had wanted to go. So many things he had wanted to do. He had wanted to take Roman and get away from this fucking town before it could kill him.

But it already did.

He heaved, finding himself struggling for air. All the colors in the room were fading, becoming desaturated before his eyes. Everything felt wrong.

The door to his apartment opened.

He looked up, seeing that Roman had walked in.

"Ro?" He whispered quietly, standing up. "Roman? Can you hear me? Please say you can hear me."

Roman ignored him completely, walking into Remus' bedroom.

Remus followed him in.

Wordlessly, Roman grabbed one of Remus' t-shirts. His favorite one, to be exact.

"'re such an idiot..." Roman hissed to the t-shirt.

He buried his face in it, and Remus watched as his shoulders began to shake.

Remus sat down next to him, and put his head on Roman's shoulder.


Remus almost fell through Roman when he did that, but supported himself.

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