Ch. 22

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"I wish I had seen it." Emile told Logan quietly. "There were no signs. No indication that he..." Emile pursed his lips, shaking his head.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Logan whispered. He slowly processed the new information in his head.

Remus worked for some sort of gang. That explained a lot.

"He was like a son to me." Emile let out a shaky breath. "He was so...vibrant. He was like the personification of neon colors." He took his glasses off, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping at his eyes. "And he was so young. Too young for this line of work. Maybe the pressure got to him."

"Maybe." Logan agreed halfheartedly.

"We never found a note." Emile shook his head. "He was just gone. His death ruined his poor brother. The boy locked himself up in his room for days, I hear."

"Do you know of anything he could've...regretted leaving behind?" Logan asked.

"If I was more selfish, I suppose I would say, well, me." Emile sighed. "But, if I had to guess, I would think it to be--"

A loud bang cut him off. It was the sound of the front door to the building being forced open.

Logan felt his heart drop, dread spreading across his body.

Smooth footsteps made their way to the Emile's office.

"Uh, do you have an appointmen--"

A loud bang cut Gwendolyn off.

A gunshot.

Emile went pale. "Logan, get under my desk."

Logan didn't question it, immediately hiding. He had never felt such fear in his life; he never really thought it was possible to be so afraid.

The door to the office opened, and Logan saw Emile tense. 

"Emile Picani." A voice sneered. It was male, so Logan doubted it was Ms. Ågren. "You know why I'm here, right?"

Logan saw Emile swallow, hands shaky. "She sent you here to kill me." He deduced.

"Ding ding ding." The person chuckled. "We've never properly met, have we? I'm the one who...well, I suppose you could say I was responsible for what happened to Remus Prince last year."

Emile's eyes widened, and he sat up straighter. "You're--! It was you?!"

Logan heard the person cock their gun.

"That's right!" The person laughed. "Recognize me now, do you?"

"...he trusted you." Emile seethed, glaring daggers at the person.

"Orders are orders." The person hummed. "Just like the orders I received to put a bullet in your head."

"...why did she wait so long?" Emile asked weakly.

"She didn't say, I didn't ask." The person scoffed. "All I know is that you might be like Remus, and we can't have that."

"She's using you, y'know." Emile said. "Like a dog."

"I'd rather be a dog than a traitor." The person growled. "Traitors are more dangerous than enemies."

And with that, they pulled the trigger.

Logan saw a flash of light, and red suddenly splatter against the wall. Emile's hand went limp, slumping down in front of Logan's face.

Logan had to cover his mouth to suppress a scream, ears ringing.

The person released something that was a cross between a snort and an exhale, leaving the room.

Logan watched as blood slowly began to trail down Emile's arms and drip down onto the floor.

He waited until he heard the sound of a car speeding away to call the cops.


Logan stumbled into his apartment that night. The police had questioned him for awhile, even though the security cameras clearly revealed that he didn't do it.

Apparently the person had a mask on. They must've taken it off at some point, however, because Emile had recognized them.

Logan couldn't believe that Emile was gone. He had just been talking to him, and then the next second...

Everytime he blinked, all he saw was the flash of the gun and the red that splattered onto the wall.

"Yo! Specs! Check this out!" Remus exclaimed at first sight of him.

Remus took a deep breath, pointing his hands at the apple he had placed on the coffee table.

Shakily, the apple began floating in the air.

Remus had an expression of deep concentration on his face, more focused than Logan had ever seen him.

It also seemed to require a lot of effort, based on the sweat that began to crease his brow.

Remus took one look at Logan's face and the apple immediately dropped back down. "What's wrong?"


"I don't like that look." Remus crossed his arms, furrowing his brow. "What is it?"

"Emile...he..." Logan looked away, shaking his head. "It all happened so fast."

Remus' eyes dulled. He stumbled over to the couch and sat down, staring at the ground.


"He's dead." It was meant to be a question, but came out as more of a statement.

"I'm so sorry." Logan whispered.


"Someone came in. They had a gun." Logan surmised shortly, not sure he would be able to retell the entire event. "I hid underneath the desk."

Remus nodded slowly.

Remus didn't speak for the rest of the night.


This took awhile and idek why

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