Ch. 2

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Logan was writing in his living room.

He had been working on a novel for a few years now. In secret, of course. His father would never approve.

Logan had always wanted to be a writer. Something just clicked with him the first time he was given a creative writing assignment.

Of course, he would never publish it. If his father found it, the consequences would probably be disastrous.

His father wanted him to be a doctor. A surgeon, more accurately. That's what he was, so obviously that's what his son should do.

Logan frowned, suddenly not in the mood to write anymore.

As if on cue, a knock was heard at his door. He quickly scrambled to put his writing away, afraid that it was his father.

After quickly shoving everything under the couch, he jogged over to the door. He quickly regained his composure, before opening the door.


There stood a boy, who looked to be around his age. Big, round glasses were resting on his nose. Freckles danced around his skin, almost artistically. Lastly, a mop of curly, honey blonde hair was resting on his head.

Also, he had a plate of cookies in his hands.

"Uh, hello." Logan gave an awkward wave.

There was silence for a moment, the other boy just smiling and staring at him. Logan shifted his weight, uncomfortable.

" want to come inside?" Logan asked hesitantly.

"I thought you'd never ask!" He exclaimed, giggling slightly.

Logan opened the door a little wider, letting the stranger into his house.

His father had equipped him with a bottle of pepper spray. He was afraid that he just might have to use it.

"Wow! You made this place look so nice!" The boy gasped, looking around in wonder.

"Uh, thanks." Logan nodded, watching him cautiously.

The boy placed the cookies on Logan's coffee table, before gasping and laughing to himself. "Oh my gosh! Where are my manners?"

He turned back to Logan, holding his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Patton! Your neighbor!" He laughed again. "No wonder you were looking at me funny!"

Logan released a breath, a little less frightened. "I'm Logan."

"Logan!" Patton gasped, like it was the most beautiful name he had ever heard in his life. "It's lovely to meet you!"

"Er, likewise." Logan nodded. "So, you live in the apartment next to mine?"

"Yup! My roommate and I." Patton told hin, sitting down on the couch. "I asked if he wanted to come, but this apartment...nevermind." He shook his head, brow furrowing.

Logan tilted his head, confused.

Patton instantly brightened again, grinning at Logan. "Well, I'm sure you'll meet him eventually!"

"I look foward to it." Logan replied, nodding.

"Have some cookies! I made the entire batch just for you!" Patton chirped. "Chocolate chip, naturally."

"You struck me as a sugar cookie type." Logan murmured, picking one up.

Patton giggled. "I get that a lot."

Logan took a bite, after having determined that it wasn't poisoned. "It's good." He told Patton simply.

"Thank you!" Patton beamed. "Y'know, you're the first person to rent this apartment in a year."

"Really?" Logan murmured, raising a brow. He grabbed a nearby napkin, putting cookie in it. He placed it on the coffee table. "Why? It's rather nice."

"I don't know, maybe, I don't know." Patton shook his head. "I was afraid this place would stay empty forever. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? I mean look how lovely this place is."

"You've lived here for awhile, I imagine?" Logan asked, walking towards the kitchen. "Would you like tea? Coffee?"

"Tea is fine, thank you." Patton hummed. "Gosh, it's been two years now, I believe."

"That's quite a long time." Logan hummed, pouring some water into his kettle. "And your roommate has been here just as long?"

"He's been here longer, actually." Patton told him, grabbing a cookie off of the plate. "I needed a place to stay, and he was kind enough to let me live with him."

Not kind enough to visit me, Logan thought bitterly.

Logan walked back to the living room. "I'm waiting for the water." Logan told him, sitting back down.

"Oh my goodness, I've just been talking about me this whole time!" Patton shook his head. "Tell me about yourself, Logan."

"I'm not very interesting, I assure you." Logan told him.

"Those papers underneath the couch tell me otherwise~" Patton teased, smirking slightly.

Logan looked down, seeing the corner of a page sticking out. He paled, scrambling to grab them.

He held them close to his chest, eyes wide in horror. "You...when did you notice they were there?" He asked lowly.

"When I first walked in." Patton admitted. "Was I not supposed to see those?"

"Uh, no." Logan shook his head, a bit uncomfortable. "Those are private."

"Oh," Patton frowned. "I'm sorry, Logan. I didn't mean to pry."

"No, it's fine." Logan shook his head, forcing himself to calm down.

The kettle let out a high pitched squeal.

"I should probably go." Patton smiled apologetically. "I feel I've overstepped my boundaries."

"That would be best." Logan nodded.

"Oh, Logan. One more thing." Patton mumbled. "My roommate and I...we've been hearing weird noises coming from here since...last year."

"Weird noises?" Logan furrowed his brow.

"Thumping on the wall, laughing, crying." Patton shook his head. "No one's been living here, so I just wanted to warn you."

Logan frowned, thinking about what happened while he was unpacking. "Thank you for telling me."

"No problem. Enjoy the cookies!" Patton chirped, before turning and leaving the apartment.


In the end, Logan had to drink that entire pot of tea.

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