Ch. 28

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Logan swallowed nervously, glancing back into his apartment. 

Remus looked terrified, curled up in a ball in the farthest corner from the door. Logically, Logan was sure that Remus knew that she couldn’t see him. Still, he was panicking nonetheless.

“I, um,” Logan looked back at the woman, who was staring at him expectantly, “I’m not supposed to allow strangers into my apartment--”

“You let that Patton boy in, right? Roman too.” She said, her smile never wavering.

“How do you...know about that?” Logan murmured, looking at her more anxiously now. She didn’t answer, just smiled at him.

“Come on, Logan. Let me inside.”

“I don’t think I should.” Logan told her. “How do you know my name?”

“I know a lot of things about you, Logan.” She raised a brow at him. “Like your parents’ names, the highschool you went to, the place you work. I even know about the book you’ve been writing for several years.”

Logan felt like the air was stolen from his throat, as he was suddenly terrified of the woman in front of him. “How do you…?”

“Logan, let me in.” The smile fell off of her face, and she stared blankly at him. “You have five seconds.” 

“What will you do to me in five seconds?” Logan asked, eyes widening.

“Four seconds.”

“Wait, I--”

“Three seconds.”

“I’m not letting you in!” Logan spat, a strange surge of protectiveness swelling inside of him. He didn’t know if Remus would be able to handle Ms. Ågren coming inside. 

“Two seconds.”

Logan shut the door, locking it swiftly. “Remus?”

Remus closed his eyes and curled in on himself a bit more, as if waiting for a blow.

There was a large thud, and the door was forced open. Logan gasped as he realized they had broken the doorknob.

Two large men were stood in front of Ms. Ågren now, snarling at him. Logan felt his face go pale as he realized one of them was holding a hammer. That’s probably what he broke the doorknob with.

“I tried to ask you the nice way.” Ms. Ågren shook her head, sighing sadly. “Grab him.” 

The two men were suddenly advancing towards him, and Logan backed away. “W-Wait--” He stammered, suddenly tripping over his own feet. He used his hands to keep moving backwards, and ended up hitting the wall right next to Remus.

Remus was staring wide-eyed at him, face pale and terrified. 

The men grabbed Logan’s arms, and he thrashed wildly. “Let go of me!”

Remus quickly stood up, trying to push the men away. His hand phased right through them, and Logan watched as he started panicking. “Stop it! Get off him!” He screamed.

Logan yelled loudly, trying to gain the attention of his neighbors. 

A piece of cloth was placed over his mouth, and Logan’s yelling was muffled. He slowly felt his muscles go slack, and it was suddenly getting harder to keep his eyes open. The men dragged him out of his apartment, and the last thing Logan saw before going unconscious was Remus banging on the invisible barrier in front of his door.


He awoke to a slap on the face. 

Logan blinked blearily, trying to gain awareness of his surroundings.

He was in a dark room, tied to a wooden chair. He could barely make out that the walls were made out of dark brick, having to squint. The room had no windows, the only light source being the lantern that the person who slapped him held in their hand.

Logan looked up at them, finding the face of one of the men who had broken into his apartment.

“Wake up, sunshine.” He said gruffly, smirking at Logan. “You’ve been sleeping for awhile.”

“Where am I?” Logan asked, voice still heavy with sleep.

“I ask the questions here.” The man told him, placing the lantern on the ground. “Who do you work for?” He asked.

“What?” Logan furrowed his brow. 

“Don’t play cute with me. Who do you work for?” He repeated, sneering at Logan. 

“Uh,” Logan pursed his lips. “Sanders’ Cafe?”

The man punched him in the face. Logan’s head snapped to the side violently, and he felt something crack in his neck. “Don’t be smart with me. Who. Do. You. Work. For?

“I don’t work for anyone!” Logan told him. “I’m telling the truth!”

“Tell me, then.” He placed a hand on his hip. “How do you know about that Remus guy, huh?” He growled.

What?” Logan asked incredulously. 

“We listened in on your conversation with Picani.” He tilted his head at Logan condescendingly. “You two just couldn’t stop talking about him. Who are you?”

“If you listened in on our conversation, you would know that I--”

“Yeah, you lied.” The man laughed. “You told Picani the two of you were friends, what bull. The only friends that guy had were Jasper’s brother and Picani. We kept tabs on him, we knew.” He narrowed his eyes at Logan. “So I ask again, who do you work for?”

“I don’t work for anyone!” Logan insisted.

The man punched him in the face again, and Logan felt blood spurt out of his nose. He groaned, knowing it was probably broken. 

“You are such a liar!” The man growled. “Tell me how you know Remus, then.”

“He was the former tenant of my apartment.” Logan told him. “I’ve been researching him, that’s all!”

“Why?!” The man barked. 

“I-I was curious, I guess?” Logan stammered.

“How did you know about Picani, then? Jasper’s brother didn’t know about him. And Roman Prince is in the dark about all of this stuff.” He narrowed his eyes. “What are you gonna tell me, you looked it up?”

Well, shit. The guy had him there.

When Logan didn’t respond, the guy crossed his arms. “Listen, kid, you and I are gonna be here until you tell me the truth. So either you tell me now,” he cracked his knuckles, “or I can force it out of you.”

Logan felt a pit grow in his stomach.



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