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Logan huffed, shifting the box in his arms. 

“Now, Logan.” His father began, giving him a stern look, “remember, you must call us twice a day. Once in the morning, and once at night.” 

Logan rolled his eyes, a lighthearted groan escaping his lips. “This again?” He asked. “I know, father!” 

“I’m just making sure.” His father smiled at him. “Just--” He placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Be safe.” 

“I’ll be fine.” Logan chuckled. “You don’t need to worry.” 

“Do you need help unpacking?” His father asked. 

Logan hummed in thought. “I--”

“Coming through!” 

Virgil ran past them, into the apartment, giggling uncontrollably. 

Roman wasn’t too far behind. “You can’t run from the tickle monster!” He declared, heading into the apartment as well. 

Logan’s father looked bewildered, but he just huffed out a fond laugh. “No, I think we’ve got it handled.” He smiled. “You can head home.” 

“Oh, alright.” His father mumbled. “I love you, son.” 

“I love you too, father.” Logan nodded. 

As Logan’s father walked away, Janus walked forward, yawning. 

“Hey, Stalker.” 

“Were you napping in the car?” Logan raised a brow. “Again?”

“It’s comfy.” Janus shrugged in defense. 

“You have your own room to do that in, c’mon.” Logan gestured with his head to the apartment.

Janus opened the door for him, and they both walked inside. 

Roman was tickling Virgil mercilessly on their new couch, the younger kicking and screaming. 

“I can already hear the noise complaints.” Janus snorted. “I guess that’s to be expected, with an actor and a stalker as roommates.” 

“Never a dull moment.” Logan agreed, placing the box on the ground. “I think that’s the last one!” 

“Finally! I’m starving!” Roman whined, sparing Virgil by walking over to them. 

“We still have to unpack them.” Janus told him.

“Moving them in is enough work for today, I’d say.” Virgil informed them solemnly. “I’m hungry too.” 

“Well, the boss has spoken.” Logan pointed at the eleven year old with his thumb. “It’s officially dinner time.” 

“I know what we should get.” Janus smirked. “Takeout.”

Virgil lit up. “Really?!” He chirped, nearly falling off the couch as he rushed over. 

“I think we deserve it.” Janus ruffled his brother’s hair. “That fine with you two?”

“Doesn’t matter to me.” Logan said, Roman nodding in agreement.

“I’ll call them.” Janus pulled out his phone. 

“Well, that’s settled.” Roman grinned. “Get back over here, you little emo!” 

Virgil squealed, quickly running away as the older chased after him. 

Logan smiled. He wouldn’t give this up for anything in the world. 

As the two of them ran away, and Janus dialled the takeout place on his phone, Logan sat down on the couch and opened his computer. 

He only had one more thing to add to his novel.

Dedicated to Remus Prince. 


“Lorenzo! Get him!” 

Logan turned, spotting Virgil running directly towards him with Roman hot on his tail. He quickly scooped the boy up in his arms, already laughing. 




i kinda hated that ending but

Thank you for joining me on this long journey!!

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That's all!


The Author :)

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