Ch. 36

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Logan buried himself deeper into his blankets.

Gone. Just like that. 

He supposes he shouldn’t be too surprised. That was what he had been working towards, wasn’t it? Allowing Remus to move on, and being able to grant him peace.

But what if it wasn’t peace that he doomed Remus to? What if he just sent the spirit to his eternal damnation?

Then again, would a light like that come from something bad?

Currently, he was staying at Janus’ house, along with Roman. The latter got the couch, while Logan had a sleeping bag on the floor. It was a temporary arrangement, while they searched for somewhere else to stay. He didn’t mind sleeping on the floor, honestly, the last time he had slept on the couch was…

Neither of them were sure who initiated, but suddenly they were both leaning in.

Subconsciously, Logan brought a hand up to his lips.

Maybe that was why he was struggling so much.

He missed Remus. Desperately.

“Hey.” A small voice spoke up. 

Logan glanced to the couch, which Virgil was standing behind. He was twiddling his thumbs anxiously. “Um, Janus won’t get out of bed, and Roman went out for one of his ‘walks.’” He murmured, glancing away. “And I’m hungry.” 

Logan blinked at the boy for a few moments, before he slowly sat up. “What do you want to eat?” He asked blankly. Virgil seemed to shrink in on himself.

“Nevermind, actually. You don’t need to make anything. I can just have cereal.” Virgil reassured him. “Again.” 

“No, you need a real meal. What do you want to eat?” He repeated. 

“Um,” Virgil glanced at him quickly before looking away again. “Anything is fine. I’m not picky.” He bit the inside of his cheek. 

"Mozzarella stick it is, then." Logan stood up, walking over to the fridge. "How many do you want?" 

Virgil relaxed slightly, looking at him fully. "Six, please." 

"Okay." Logan nodded, taking the box out of the freezer. 

Did Remus like these? He didn't know what his favorite foods had been, or what he liked to do in his free time. And yet, Remus knew so much about him. Did that make Logan a terrible person?

"Should I make some for Janus?" Logan asked Virgil, who had sat down on the couch. The boy seemed slightly surprised that he was still being spoken to. 

"Oh--Uh--Yeah, probably." Virgil shrugged. "I dunno if he'll eat it, though. He hasn't eaten any of the food I've given him."

"You've been giving him food?" Logan glanced at him. "What food?"

"Cereal." Virgil bit the inside of his cheek. "That's all I know how to make."

Logan snorted, reading the instructions on the box. "How much milk is left?" 

"Not...a lot." 

"I figured." 

The door opened, and Roman walked into the house. 

“Hello.” Logan greeted.

Roman didn’t even acknowledge him, grabbing something off of the couch before storming out of the apartment once more. Virgil seemed to deflate at the sound of his door shutting. “...why have you all been like this?” Virgil asked Logan quietly. “Did Patton really affect you that much?” 

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