Ch. 15

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After dinner, Virgil suggested they watch a movie.

"What movies do you like to watch?" Logan asked, trying to make conversation. "Marvel? Disney?"

"Do I look like a weakling?" Virgil rose a brow. "We should watch a horror movie."

"Well, whatever we're watching can't be too long. I have to go to work in thirty minutes." Janus huffed, looking at his watch. "You guys pick, I have to get ready. Logan, if you mess with my brother, I'm going to break every bone in your body."

"...noted." Logan cleared his throat anxiously.

Virgil stood up, heading over to a DVD collection that was on a shelf.

Logan followed him, glancing over his shoulder. "These are relatively new movies. More recent than I expected, honestly."

"Yeah," Virgil hummed, sorting through them, "Ree bought them for my ninth birthday."

Logan's eyes widened. "Ree?" He echoed.

"You wouldn't know him." Virgil glanced at him. He sighed, a somber look crossing over his eyes. "He's gone now." He chuckled a bit. "He was cool, though. Like a superhero."

"A superhero?" Logan asked skeptically. That didn't sound like Remus.

Virgil nodded, going silent. Logan pursed his lips, suddenly feeling awkward. Virgil singled one movie out, and put the rest back on the shelf.

"Paranormal Activity?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

"Janus' favorite." Virgil grinned at him. "He thinks it's funny."

"Funny?" Logan murmured in incredulity. "How is it funny?"

"He said it was impossible for someone to be as much of an asshole as Micah, so he finds all of his lines hilarious." Virgil shrugged.

"Language," Logan frowned, "aren't you a little young to be swearing?"

"Janus doesn't care." Virgil grumbled, walking over to the DVD player. He kneeled down, and placed the disk inside of it.

"Well, I care." Logan mumbled.

"Lucky for me, I don't respect your opinion." Virgil smirked at him, sitting back down on the couch. Logan followed his example, sitting down next to him.

The movie began, and Logan already felt chills running down his spine.

The second Katie's voice was heard, Janus rushed out of his room, bowtie undone and hair not yet gelled.

"Is that Paranormal Activity?" Janus asked, eyes lighting up brighter than Logan had ever seen.

"Yeah," Virgil sighed dramatically, "it's too bad you can't watch it. You have to go to work now."

"I still have a few minutes." Janus dismissed, walking over and sitting down in between Logan and Virgil. "Look how hot this man is, Logan." He whispered, grabbing Logan's arm and pointing at the screen. "It's over for my gay ass."

Amazing, this movie had caused Janus to forget that he hates him.

"Virgil told me this is your favorite movie?" Logan smiled, trying to make conversation.

"Uh, duh? This movie is amazing and Micah is such an asshole. A sexy, toxic asshole." Janus nodded, eyes never leaving the screen.

"I think those two shouldn't be in the same sentence." Virgil cringed.

"Why not? Look how sexy this man is." Janus murmured. "God, give me a piece of that."

"Your taste in men is questionable." Logan frowned, furrowing his brow.

Janus yawned. "He reminds me of someone I used to know." He murmured, relaxing into the couch.

"An...asshole?" Logan furrowed his brow.

"The biggest asshole." Janus sighed, His head falling on Logan's shoulder.

Logan tensed, not expecting to suddenly be that close to him.

Virgil glanced at him, smirking. "Yep," he chuckled, "he's out like a light."

Logan looked at Janus as well, and saw that he had instantly fallen asleep  when his head made contact with Logan's shoulder.

"He's going to miss work." Logan frowned, glancing at Virgil.

"That's the point, stalker." Virgil told him, looking back at the screen. "I already snuck his phone and asked for the day off. Knowing him, he would go anyways."

"Shouldn't he go, though?" Logan tilted his head.

"...I hear him at night." Virgil murmured, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

"Hear him?" Logan asked, a bit concerned.

"I don't think he sleeps." Virgil mumbled, looking down at his feet. "I hear him crying, every night. I don't think he's gotten over it."

"Over Ree, you mean?" Logan sighed, frowning. Virgil nodded.

"Yeah." Virgil bit the inside of his cheek. "This was his favorite movie too, y'know." Virgil used his head to gesture towards the movie. "That's really why he likes it so much."

Logan pursed his lips. "Were they romantically involved?"

"No," Virgil shook his head, "Janus wanted them to be, though. I could tell. He loved him, he loved him a lot."


The phone fell out of Janus' hands.

Virgil looked up from his homework, startled.

The most horrified expression that Virgil had ever seen had welcomed itself onto Janus' face. He had gone pale, and then swallowed.

He shakily picked the phone up again, holding it up to his ear. "...Y-Yeah, yeah, I'm still here. I don't think I heard you correctly?"

"Janus?" Virgil furrowed his brow, standing up. His brother looked like he was about to collapse, which worried him.

"Thank you, I...I'll be there." Janus murmured quietly, eyes dulling. He hung up, staring at the phone for a moment, before taking a deep breath and turning to him. "Virgil..."

Virgil didn't like that voice. That was the voice Janus used when their parents died, when their brother died.

"Who is it?" He choked out.

Janus walked back to his room, muttering a faint, "Remus" under his breath.

The door closed, and the silence never rung louder.


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