Chapter 29

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Aelin knew what she had to do. 

It wasn't the hardest decision of her life, but it was the biggest one. 

She'd known for years what would happen, and today was the day. 

She looked at Rowan, standing beside her as they readied for more battle. 

For the Last War. 

The one that would be written about one day, the knowledge of what really happened this day hidden from almost everyone. 

Only Aelin and her daughter knew what would really happen today. 

So, the Queen of Terrasen kissed her son goodbye, and walked winnowed, hand-in-hand with her husband, to the battlefield where it would all end. 


The morning dawned, red as the blood on the ground. 

Niall looked on in despair, flying above the battle. 

He knew today was the last day, but he didn't know what would happen. 

He watched from afar as Queen Aelin and her husband fought to the center. To the black dome where Maeve was being protected. 

The moved quickly, and were there within an hour. They had the cauldron with them. 

The dome was surrounded by a wall of fire, to the point where no one could see in, and Niall watched anxiously as the two walked through, into the belly of the beast. 

Niall knew, this was the end. 


"I am Evalin Elentyia Ashryver Galathynius Witethorn, and I will not be afraid."

This is what she whispered to herself, over and over again, as it felt like she was being torn apart.

She'd been stuck between worlds for weeks now.

Between worlds, and between life and death.

She could see everything happening in three worlds.

There was a world with a huge city, filled with technology she couldn't comprehend, where Angels and Fae worked side by side. There was her own world, Orynth thriving, and there was Prythian. She was forced to watch as her family was struck by her supposed death.

she wasnt alone here. All of the wanderers were here, and not. They were like wraiths, passing through the between, to watch the world pass by. This was how they knew everything, and were everywhere.

But Elena was afraid.

Afraid for the fate of worlds.

afraid for the fate of her loved ones.

afraid for herself, and her sanity.

the iron was still on her ankle, and it was blocking the majority of her magic.

It no longer hurt. It was just always numb. There was a scar now because of it.

It was hurting her inside more. the waves of fire threatened to consume her, every day.


Aelin let go of Rowan's hand as they stepped through the midnight essence surrounding the devil. 

The laughing began immdeiately, all around them. 

"The ice prince and the fire queen," Came her hateful voice. 

"It's been so long, yet for me, it feels like yesterday."

The inside was pitch black. 

"I knew you'd show up, hoping to save your little princess, but I was hoping you'd make it more... interesting." 

The room lit up, and Aelin felt it starting to get hardwer to breathe. 

It was Maeve's throne room, set up exactly like the last time Aelin was there. 

There was the glass, strewn across the ground. There was Mala's crown, broken in front of the throne. The throne that contained Maeve once again. 

Everything the same, except for one detail. 

There was blood on the glass, but it wasn't Aelin's this time. 

The whip on the floor had been used, but not on Aelin. 

Because it was her daughter's scent that filled the room. 

Rowan stiffened beside her, and a growl came from deep in his throat. 

"Funny, she sounds just like you, Aelin, when you scream." 

Only Maeve's magic prevented Aelin from destroying the world with her fire right then. 

"Well, go on then. i know you're losing your powers, Aelin. Your time is almost up, isn't it? Your daughter needs to be saved before you run out completely. Who knew the fire of Terrasen would die so quickly?" 

So, the two walked to the middle of the room, over the blood-stained glass, and put down the cauldron. 

And it began. 


Evelin wanted to scream at her parents as they tried to bring her back. She knew it would happen, but she didn't want it to. 

They shouldn't die for her. 

But she didn't get a chance to do anything, because she was pulled in by the fire around her as her mother began. 

The flames whispered to her, urging her to do as she had to. 

They told her to think if the daughter she would one day have, to think of Niall. 

Of the life they would have together, if only she made the sacrifices they wanted her to. They showed her glimpses of the future3, of her marrying her mate, getting to meet the mates of Gavrien and Josefin. 

Getting to meet her brother .

She wanted it all, she did. 

But was she brave enough? 


Aelin felt it as the cauldron drained her magic. It felt just like when the gods did it. 

She tried to resist when Rowan cut her palm and held her hand, giving her his magic as well. She didn't want to hurt him, but she also knew he wouldn't go on living after she was gone. 

It was agonizing. She was prepared to have a long life with her mate, living as immortals, until they were truly ready to leave behind the world they had made to be such a beautiful place. 

But the life of her daughter was more important than that. 

She completed the power transfer, and stood back. The cauldron began bubbling quickly, and Maeve laughed. 

The form that rose from the waters was bathed in fire. 

And they had suceeded, because there stood Evalin, the glory of the flames making her look like the princess she was. 

She turned to Maeve, and opened her eyes. 

They were filled with the light that was around her, and Aelin knew her daughter had completed the final steps. 

"You'd think by now, Maeve," She spoke. 

"You would learn to stop messing around with goddesses." 

And the room was engulfed in flames.


I hope you liked it. You might have noticed by now, I hate keeping my characters dead. Let me know if you like how this is going, and thanks for reading. 

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