Chapter 15

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The first thing she heard was a ringing. 

The first noise she'd heard in days, outside her own head. 

Then she could hear whispers around her. 

The darkness finally faded, and she could see the room around her. The people around her. 

The room was flooded with bright light from the windows. There were three people in the room. Gavrien, Josefin, and someone who looked vaguely familiar. 

There was also the smell of lilac and the sea filling the room. 

She sat up carefully. The others in the room jumped. 

"Elentyia! You're awake early!" Gavrien said happily. 

She didn't speak. Couldn't, right now. Not because of water though. She didn't care if it made her weak, the things they did to her in the Spring Court broke her. She wasn't strong like her mother. 

Josefin smiled sadly, her best friend understanding even where her favorite cousin couldn't. 

The girl signed, Don't feel pressured to talk. They'll understand. They've gone through things like this too. 


Sorrel was out flying on her broom when it happened. A lion jumped at her from the trees. He was bigger than he was supposed to be though. He sent her tumbling down into the forest below. 

When she scrambled away, thinking she was about to die, the lion shifted into a man that looked too much like Gavrien-wait. 

Sorrel gasped. "You're Gavriel." 

"Yes," he answered. "I've been all across Erilea, and this is not a place in it. You're a witch. Do you know where I am?" 

"Yes, sir, I do. We've actually been expecting you for a few days. You're right. You're not in Erilea anymore."


Elentyia had been up two hours, and still people asked her questions. 

They did understand her inability to speak, but they wanted to make sure she was ok. 

No, she was not ok. But she would not be seen as weak. She hid the iron still on her ankle, and ignored the burning every time it touched her. 

She would be fine as a human. They thought it was from something that happened to her in the Spring Court, and she didn't try to tell them any different. 

She did make count of her injuries alone, though. Just like she was taught. Multiple scars covered her back and arms. She'd actually been branded with the Spring Court's symbol- a rose. Then there was the fact that she couldn't speak, suddenly had no appetite, and was getting bad headaches. 

She'd never felt worse. 

It didn't help that her uncle was also back. It was one more person to deal with. 


Sam looked to Nehemia five minutes before nine p.m. She nodded in encouragement. 

"We have something we should probably tell you all before that clock chimes the hour."

Everyone stopped what they were doing. 

"At nine every day, as a consequence for being alive when we're not supposed to be, for a whole hour we won't know what we're doing, but we'll be trying as hard as possible to accomplish whatever it was that we were trying to do before we actually died."

Sam hesitated for a few seconds. "I'll... be doing whatever I can to protect Aelin, even though she's not here."

Nehemia continued it. "I'll be trying to get Aelin to fight back."

"I'll be trying to protect my son," Gavriel said. 

Ghislain spoke next. "I'll be protecting Manon, at whatever cost."

"And I'll be trying to protect Petrah." Azriel said.

The clock struck then. 










Azriel grabbed Petrah by the arm, forcing her to stand up. He gave a warning look to everyone in the room, his eyes turning red. 

Sam was at Elentyia's side. 

I guess you can inherit this. Elentyia signed to Josefin with dry humor. 

But she was right. 

Ghislain was standing tensely in front of the Crochan twins. 

Nehemia was staring at Elentyia sadly. 

Gavriel was watching Gavrien carefully. 

Heni leaned back in her seat. "well, this should be interesting," She chuckled, and made the room go up in flames continuing to laugh as chaos ensued. 


In Hel, six siblings met. 

"Heni has left," Said the eldest. We are obligated to go after her."

"This was her choice." The second argued. "We shouldn't have to babysit her after millenia." 

"But she's our sister." The third put in. "We will always have to worry over her."

The youngest was the one to speak up next, though. "Heni disobeyed direct orders. If she's caught, you know what will happen."

They all were quiet. 

"Isn't it enough to have lost Sibel? I'd rather not lose another."

The siblings nodded grimly. 

And so, six more demons of powerful descent will enter a world filled with broken magic. 


I hope you enjoyed this one. 

A story recommendation for the day: Apple of My Eye by drarry_goose. This is for any drarry shippers out there. It takes place in their 8th year, and many disasters happen. This story has 11 parts and is completed. The author also often answers any questions or comments as soon as possible. 

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