Chapter 13

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We drink the poison 

our minds pour 

for us 

and wonder 

why we feel so sick. 


You may notice a connection to Crescent city in this chapter. It's not necessary to have read that book, but you may enjoy it if you can find it. 

"Nehemia Yteger." The king repeated himself. 

Nehemia Yteger. "No. That can't be. Princess Nehemia has been dead for thirty-one years."

The king paled. 

As the soldiers led Sorscha to holding cell of the princess, no one spoke. 

When the cell creaked open in the silence, the witch warily peered in. 

Something moved in the back. 

The woman that stood was indeed one from history books. 

"Sorscha," She said calmly. "I hope your father's well." 

For lack of words, she nodded in reply. 

"I've been waiting. We should be going." This was all the princess said as she stepped out of the cell. 

"E-excuse me," The king said, "If I let you go, they get to kill me. Witches aren't supposed to be running around the world." 

Before Sorscha could yell at him, the princess answered. "Don't worry, we won't be staying in this world." She grabbed for Sorscha's wrist, and sliced her hand on a rusty nail in the wall. 

To the shouts of the guards, Nehemia let her blood drip to the ground and yelled one word. "Ealu! "

There was a sickening feeling in Sorscha's stomach, then the noises ceased. 

Looking up, she saw they were in the middle of a busy street, filled with fae, laughing and talking. Some looked concerned by the blood on Nehemia, but most ignored the two women. 

Nehemia smiled and helped Sorscha up. 

"Where are we?" The witch asked with awe in her voice. She was too weak when it came to her emotions. 

"Velaris, the city of starlight."


Petrah smiled at her adopted son. 

"Malachi, I-I have something important to tell you." 

He grinned. "Mom, if this is a joke and you're about to tell me I'm adopted, I'm getting up and going straight back to work."

She breathed out shakily. "Before you were born, and before I adopted you, I lived somewhere else." 

Now she had the boy's attention. 

"In a different world. One that hurt to talk about. I was born and raised there. My family still lives there. there's two reasons I came here. 

I got in the middle of a bad war. I was in deep as a commander in the evil army. I changed sides as soon as I could, but the damage was done in my heart. I had done wrong to my land. 

That's when I met my mate. The reason I'm here now. He was the perfect one for me. 

He told me he would follow me to the ends of the earth, if I would give him a chance..." Petrah paused. 

"You did right? You said yes?" Malachi asked. But she could see in his eyes he didn't think that's what happened. 

"I told him I would, when the war was won. 

The final battle began later that very week. We surrounded the enemy, and thought we had a chance at winning. 

But the gates of the city were being overwhelmed by the demons. My group was ready to help. But my mate. He pushed me away, and fought himself. 

And died alongside friends."

Malachi nodded understandingly. "It's obvious this still hurts you to talk about this still, so why are you?" 

"Because something has come up, and... I've received word that... He's alive." 

Malachi's smile was back. "Mom, this is great! Haven't you gone to see him? What are you doing here?!" 

"Malachi, you don't understand. If I get my hopes up, I'll do what I did last time. I shut myself off from the world for years. No one could find me. Rhysand finally convinced me to come out of my shell, when I adopted you, but, if it's not true, I'll disappear. I can't do that to you. I won't make it through this time." 

Malachi stood when his mother did, and pulled her into a hug, shutting her up. "If there's a chance your mate is alive, you need to go to him. If, for some reason, Rhysand is lying to you, I don't care that he's the High Lord, I will hurt him. And we'll get through it together. I won't let you hurt. I won't let you fade. No matter what I have to do." 

Petrah nodded. "I guess I'm going back to the House of Wind." 


Gavrien ended up in a forest. He ran to catch up with Heni. Ghislaine landed behind him. 

Heni's laughter could be heard. "No one died! That's surprising. Anyways, Gavrien, welcome to Prythian." 

When he caught up with the demon, he was panting. "So, what's your story, anyways? Are you really Amren's daughter?" 

Heni laughed. "Yes, in a sense." 

"Uh, could I get a better answer?"

"Well, yes, by blood and bone and flesh, I am the seventh child of Empress Amren and Prince Varian. Why do I specify you probably are wondering? Well, I'm not really supposed to divulge the secrets of my world, but I don't really care for the rules. The Empress isn't allowed to raise her children, no matter how much she wants to. So I grew up with a princess and prince of the court. They tried their best to raise me, that lesser king and queen did, but I still ended up this. Now I'm in charge of the top layer of Hel, as you like to call it, and the weakest of my siblings. And that's all you're getting about my life, buddy." 

They broke out of the woods then. 

A beautiful city spread out below them. Heni smiled. 

"Ghislaine, Gavrien, welcome to Velaris, the City of Starlight."


Aelin smiled as she looked out into the fields of kingsflame. At the visions coming in flashes. 

"Hold on a little longer, darling." She whispered turning from the balcony. "I'm on my way." 

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