Chapter 20

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I'm back for as long as my computer continues to work. I'm sorry if I suddenly disappear and stop writing or commenting or anything, and I'm sorry if I never come back. It means my computer broke and it's not letting me get onto this account on any other device. Thank you all for understanding. 

Help me

She hadn't meant to say the word down that odd bond in her head. She couldn't help it. She was having a nightmare again. 

She dreamed that she knelt before a woman with striking red hair and black eyes. She held evil in her gaze. 

"You're so much like your mother." She laughed. "You think you have evrything planned out, but I was right behind you the whole time, ready to stab you in the back. Arrogant. I liked you better when you didn't speak." She held a silver knife to Elentyia's neck. "I could make it happen again if you'd like."

Someone shouted at her from somewhere far away. She could no longer concentrate on the woman before her. 

She sat up gasping. 

It was far too bright in the room. She looked up and noticed two things. She was engulfed in fire. She and another person. Niall. 

His expression was ubelievingly calm for being in the middle of an oven at the moment. 

"It's alright. It was just a dream." 

Elentyia nodded, and realised she was still sobbing. The dream itself wasn't even that bad,but it brought a feeling of despair and hopelessness that didn't make sense. 

"Do you need some air?" He asked. 

She nodded, but couldn't say anything. He could probably hear it all in her head anyways. 

He helped her down the hallways until they reached the balcony. 

They stood there for a few moments. Elentyia closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. 

"Don't panic." Niall whispered. What he said barely registered before her picked her up as she let out a small gasp. 

His wings unfurled from behind him and he shot into the sky. 

How he'd known this would help, she didn't want to think about right now. It was beautiful up here. This was her territory up here, where she truly belonged. She didn't realize how much she missed this. 

She finally relaxed, leaning her head against his chest as he flew them higher. 

The sky was as beautiful as ever tonight, and she truly felt like she belonged there. 

Why do you always know what to do? 

She had to know now that she was better. 

I didn't. I come up here when I can't take anymore, and thought I might as well try it. Maybe I could have at least shocked you completely awake. 

She almost smiled at that. 

We're more alike than I thought, then. 

"How do you get up here?" He asked. Well, that's not something she meant to say. 

Well... I.... used to have an animal from. That I could change into. As well... as a different form. I can't anymore. 

"Why can't you? Did Tamlin's son hurt you? I swear, if he did, I'll kill him."

"Overprotective fae bastard," she muttered. 

"I'll have you know, I'm also part Illyrian" He grinned at her. "Hello, Elentyia." 

She wrinkled her nose playfully at him, but thought for a second. "I don't like you calling me that." 

"What should I call you then?" 

She didn't hesitate this time. "My name's Evalin."

"Evalin. I like that name." He whipsered. His words sounded vaguely familiar, but she didn't know where from. 


Niall walked with Evalin to breakfast the next day. He loved the new understanding they had. 

He felt a protectiveness for her he'd never felt before. 

He was surprised, when they got to the table, to see not only the usual people at the table, but every one of the Monarchs of Hel. 

They sat in order of rank, so Heni was at the end. She seemed to be set apart from her siblings. While the rest were prepared to defend each other, obvious by their postures, she was not protected. She's the one that spoke. 

My dear brothers and sisters have agreed to stay until the coming conflicts are resolved with great sacrifice on my part. They expect you to accomodate them and be grateful for their help. If they decide to help. That is the catch with working with demons. they always find a loophole. 

Her voice was amused, but her eyes flashed with fear at the mention of a personal sacrifice. Esren picked up on it as well. 

"What kind of sacrifice would you make for us? And what are we supposed to give you in return?" Most would get a one-way trip to Hel with those questions, but it seemed a nine-year-old drama queen had all seven of the demons wrapped around her finger. Some even did whatever she commanded. That could be useful. 

"In your language, child, it's called the The Reaper, but it is inconsequential to current matters. That will be dealt with later," Ceggan spoke. There was no emotion in his voice. It was such a cold contradiction of the kingdom he controlled.

"So what kind of help do you bring us should you decide to help us?" Esren demanded. 

Heni glanced at her siblings before speaking. "Let me introduce us all again, in a different way. Prince of the Pit, Princess of the Abyss, Prince of the Chasm, Princess of Darkness, Prince of Twilight, Princess of Shadows, and... Princess of War. They've all offered their aid and are capable of destroying your enemies should they need to. Something's coming soon, and you all need to be ready." 

I did it! I'm going to write another chapter right after publishing this, and I'll get it out as soon as possible. 

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