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"Cassian! Aelin! It's time to go!" Evalin called up the stairs.

She soon heard the giggling as the twins chased each other down the stairs. She smiled and turned to look at them.

The two were polar opposites. Cassian had the light hair of his mother as well as her eyes, while Aelin had raven hair and her father's eyes. 

Niall picked up Cassian and Evalin held Aelin as they winnowed to the house of wind. 

Tonight was the annual meeting of the two worlds. Petrah and Azriel were there already, with their now-grown sons. Mor and Asterin had made it as well, and the four of them were joking around as if they were still teenagers. They all still looked like they were. The gateway opened, and out stepped Gavrien and Rosalina as well, with their daughter. 

Orion stepped through next, and this was the first Evalin greeted. "And how's the King of Terrasen doing this year?"

He laughed. "About as well as could be expected with little Prince Dorian up at all hours of the night."

Evalin gasped, looking at the bundle in his arms. "No way." 


Skipping ahead because I'm not sure what else to put here. sorry. Everyone arrived, they've sat down to eat. 


These yearly meetings were for sharing any news between the worlds, whether it was about family or the fate of the universe. 

Well, Evalin and Niall had their own news tonight. 

Niall pulled Evalin to her feet as the talking died down. 

"As you all know, after the twins were born, we were afraid we'd never have anymore kids."

That got their attention quickly. 

"But... there was nothing to be worried about, and we now have a third one on the way." 

There was cheering around the table. 

Orion stood up, raising his glass. 

"I think a toast is in order." He announced. 

"To the generations that will come after us, and continue to keep the worlds safe." 

"And," Niall continued, "To the ones before us, who made it possible to continue." 

Evalin thought back on everyone that was now dead. 

Years ago, Feyre had died in childbirth, and Rhys died in battle soon after. 

Dorian had died of old age, and Manon had disappeared two days after that. 

Cassian was gone. He had fallen defending his high lord. The two of them had died side-by-side. 

Lysandra was gone, and Gavriel. Neither of them had been gifted with immortality. 

So, the second generation was there, to remember. 

To the stars that listened, and to the dreams that are answered. 


This is the very last chapter of this story. I'm sad to see it end. Tomorrow, I'll be asking what story I should work on next. 

For the last time on this story, have a good day/night. 

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