Chapter 26

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It happened early the next morning. 

Niall knew it was coming soon, but it was still unbearable when the pain hit him. 

He barely knew her, but she was dead. His mate. 

He felt empty. 

It was too much for tears. No shoputing or runninbg to kill the murderer. 

He was just... there. 

He had a dream, right before it happened. Right before he woke up to the pain. 

Evalin, smiling at him, holding Aelie, his sister he'd only ever seen in the haunting paintings his mother made. 

When he had to tell her cousin and best friend it was the hardest to bear. 

He wished to know her as well as they did, to grieve as they did, but he wasn't allowed that. 

He could feel the power and sadness that pulsed throught eh world. He didn't know if it was hers or her mother's. 

He flew all day, remembering her. Her beautiful voice. Her beautiful life. 

She was dead. 


Mor ran to the lodge. 

Asterin and Alex looked up from the cookies they were making. 

"Rhys needs us. Something important has happened." She was out of breath from running. 

"Did he tell you what happened?" Alex asked, walking over to comfort their mother. 

"Aelin had a daughter," Mor whispered. "That daughter came here, to change the world....And she died. One of her last words was saying that she needed us. 

"Then we'll head there straight away." Alex assured Mor, heading out of the house. "I'll get Narene ready." 

"I haven't seen the Court of Dreams since Az died." Mor whispered. 

"I know," her wife answered. "But they need us now more than ever."


Of course, Aelin knew the moment her first-born died. 

She'd known it since her daughter was born. 

It didn't hurt any less. 

Rowan held her as she sent pulses of power out to let everyone know. 

A crown princess, heir to extraordinary power, died today. 


So, two worlds wept for a lost princess. 

Two worlds became one, ravaged by grief for the one that was promised. The only one that could save them. 

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