Chapter 11

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The video is for Azriel and Petrah. I know you've seen before in A Court of Fear and Longing, but it really matches with what you'll read in this chapter. 

Much of what the old man had said was confusing, but the journey was easy. In a very short time, Gavrien was able to make it to the portal that was supposed to take him to another world. There were three figures in front of it though. 

The smaller two stepped forward and lowered the hoods of their cloaks. They were both women. 

The first had black waist-length hair and big brown eyes. Her very nature radiated cunning and witch-like. 

"Greetings, Gavrien, son of Adion, son of Gavriel. I am Heni, daughter of Amren, daughter of Onrisa. You have traveled far from my mother's court to make it here." 

Gavrien had almost forgotten the second woman's presence. 

Her eyes were a sea green and her hair was black. She looked like she'd seen and knew too much for her age. 

"I am Ghislaine Blackbeak, number twelve in an old coven long broken apart. I've been sent to help you." 

The last cloaked person stepped up as well. 

His skin was so pale it glowed in the shadows. Indeed, he had no nose. When he spoke, his voice sounded from everywhere at once. It was both old and young, male and female. 

"I am the keeper of the gate of worlds. It is the one stable crossing in the universes. Should any wish to go through, the gate tests their worthiness to cross. If it finds you unworthy, you will die a painful death, and will remain in the inbetween for eternity."

"Ah," Heni said, looking back at the gate keeper. "Yes, this is Chaedruvill. He's been the keeper forever. Only ever smiled once, never will again. I've tried. Anyways, he spews this nonsense about being worthy, but only two people have ever actually died in there." 

"Few dare to pass through, Lady Heni. Few are allowed." 

"Whatever. Follow me, Gav? Yeah, I'll I'm calling you Gav. We have a world to get to." 

She walked to the gate and nodded once more to Chaedrucill. Then the perky daughter of Satan fell back into the gate with a wink and disappeared.


Josefin looked up a the tower one more time. 

And smiled. She may be the daughter of a human on one side, but she was also the daughter Lorcan, the second most powerful fae males in the world. 

She remembered her mother's words, when she had gotten stuck in the branches of a tree years ago. 

"What if I fall?"  She asked, tears in her eyes. 

Her mother smiled. "Darling, what if you fly?" 

She remembered something she'd read years ago. A human, if they are descended even very distantly from the fae, can locate magical currents in the air and in some cases use them. There have only been two cases where the magic was successfully used. Once, to change into a fox, and again to get a message to a loved one in times of trouble. In some cases, the magic can be fatal to the human. 

It was worth a try. 

Josefin closed her eyes, pushing her conscious out, feeling the air. A current was close. It may be enough magic. So she leaped. And sprouted wings of red feathers. And flew. 

The thing she read had come from a fantasy book. It wasn't real. Neither was the current except in the world where she knew she was. The dream world. 

The top of the tower grew closer, and soon Josefin landed on the top. There was only one thing on it: A man chained to the ground. 

She knew his name immediately, from the magic in this world. 

"Azriel of Prythian," She spoke softly, "I have come to take you home." 


Small suicide mention warning. Don't read if you can't. I'll tell you when it's over. You won't have missed anything too important. 

Petrah came in from, her daily fly like always. But the atmosphere in the Illyrian camp was different. 

"What happened?" She asked the closest man. 

He hesitated. 

"I've been here for the past 20 years, and you're still not scared enough of me? Tell before I rip your wings off, boy." 

He jumped away from her. Like the babies could really stop her if she wanted to hurt them. 

"There's someone waiting for you in your cabin. They wouldn't say their names." 

It was probably someone from Rhys sent to make sure she hadn't tried to kill herself again. 

End of suicide warning

Petrah opened the door to her cabin warily. 

Sure enough, the person was the normal messenger from Velaris. He looked a little nervous this time. 

"Well, get on with it." She had no patience today. 

"The High Lord requests your presence in Velaris. Azriel has been found."


Petrah sat at the small table, staring at nothing. 

20 years of regret and sorrow. 20 years talking as little as possible, training Illyrian children, flying every day, taking the same path as her mate once did when he stayed here. Living in the same cabin as he once did. Feeling as if she should have died along side him. 

He couldn't be back. She refused to accept it. Because if she dared to hope, her heart would be torn apart again, after she'd carefully glued it back together. After she'd raised Malachi as her son. 

So Petrah mounted her wyvern, and flew to Velaris. Not to see Azriel, because she wouldn't believe it. To yell at Rhys for lying to her about such a thing. And, if he was there... No, he wasn't, and she couldn't think like that.  

She would talk to Malachi where he apprenticed. 

The broken witch only allowed herself to think one thought about Azriel. 

I'm coming for you, my love.


I think my favorite part of my fanfiction is Azriel and Petrah together. It makes me really happy. I hope it made you guys happy, knowing he's alive, because I think it was a tie between the Thirteen and Azriel when it came to the most reactions about their deaths. Sorry for the emotional roller coaster. Hope you enjoyed this. 

I have decided to recommend writings on Wattpad for anyone looking for more reads. I will do different categories, so today, let's start with a Throne of Glass fanfiction. This one takes place after KoA. Aelin is getting vivid flashbacks from when she was imprisoned by Maeve. It is an uncomplete story with 8 parts at the moment, but it is being updated regularly. The title is Realm of Restoration- A Throne of Glass Fanfic by Ema_1439. Go follow her! I'm reading the story and I love it so far! 

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