~Chapter 24~

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I thought we were walking to Jenny's house, and I was kind of curious to see what other people's houses looked like compared to Harry's. But we picked her up at some random building. I didn't get to go in because she met us outside, so I am not sure what the building was exactly.

Jenny is an exact copy of Harry, but only in girl form. She talks to me pretty much the same way that he does. I can see why they dated at one point in time, I just wonder why they broke up. They do say that two negatives don't fit together, maybe they were just too perfect for each other.

"Lana, I don't want to have a fucking girls' day, especially with her tagging along." Jenny is trying her best to get out of this, but Lana isn't going to let that happen for some reason. I am walking behind them as they bicker over why I am here and why we are doing this.

"We are doing this because she needs it," Lana whispers through her teeth, probably thinking that I can't hear her.

"I don't give a damn about what she needs? Why should I? What has she ever done for me?" Jenny says loud and clear, not even trying to hide their conversation.

They continue to bicker and we continue to walk down the path that seems like it is in the middle of nowhere, but I know exactly where we are.

This is where Harry and I raced that one time. We are on our way to the colorful part of Eroda.

I have to admit I'm not excited about spending the day with Jenny, but I am excited about seeing more of the island. I didn't see much the last time we were here. All I remember is that it looked so much happier than the part of it where I have spent my time getting choked, cut open, and acting as a maid.

We haven't been walking too long, but for me, it feels like we have since I am dehydrated and the sun is out. I am a little behind Jenny and Lana, but they don't notice since they are still deep into their argument.

After a few minutes, I have to stop walking and rest for a moment. I bend down with my hands on my knees taking breaths through my nose and out of my mouth.

I am just about to continue walking until someone picks me up from behind and swings me around.

I am too shocked to make any noise, so all I can do is breathe heavily.

Whoever it was that picked me up puts me down and my side stings, making me cover it with my hands.

I look up to see what the hell just happened and when I see his green eyes and that smirk, I no longer have any questions.

"What the fuck?" I wince and check my hand to make sure my wound isn't bleeding.

"You left without a hat, Sunflower." He pulls out the hat that I had been wearing when I first toured the island.

"So you brought it to me?" I ask in a shocked tone. "Why?"

"Well I don't know about you, but I don't want to be locked in that cabin for 24 more hours. I can't stand being trapped." I roll my eyes at his word choice.

"Wow, you'd hate it if you were in the situation that I am in," I say and bump past him to catch up with Lana and Jenny, but they are walking towards me.

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