~Chapter 39~

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~A/N~ PLAY THIS SONG WHEN I INSTRUCT YOU TO (trust me just do it.  It's for your own good :)

Song~It all started with a feeling
By: Jai Wolf


"Where are you taking me?" I ask Harry and he pulls me by my arm, walking out of the diner and far away from the club and Nick.

He doesn't answer me though, he just continues to stride down the dirt path with my hand in his.

I sigh and rub my face, tears still being prominent on it. I still haven't completely processed what happened back there, maybe once I am fully sober I will, but for now, I am choosing to push it into the back of my mind.

We begin to walk past the lighthouse and over to the shore where the ocean meets the sand. I scrunch up my eyebrows wondering why the hell he is bringing me here.

Harry leads me all the way to the part where there is a line between the ocean and the shore.

"Sit," he finally speaks.


"Sit," he says again, but he sits down on the rocky sand as he does. I hesitate before following his lead and sitting down on the sand, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Are you going to tell me why we are here or are you going to make me sit here and have my own theories?"

"You didn't want to go up in the lighthouse, so we are just going to sit under it instead." I look up at the lighthouse as he speaks, the giant light in the inside rotating in circles as it brightens up the island which is now beginning to get dark.

"Yeah, but why?" None of the words he just said answered my question at all. He always seems to dodge questions by answering with an answer that is only remotely related, I've noticed.

"You know why," he says. In a way, I kinda do know why he brought me here. The lighthouse seems to be the most peaceful place on this island. It's high up, far away from the chaos of everything, and the view is gorgeous. But I'm afraid of heights and I'm not drunk this time, so Harry knew he wouldn't be able to convince me to climb it. So he brought me to the next best thing. The view is still really pretty from the ground, the ocean is right in front of our feet.

The silence is awkward, but yet there is still something comforting about it. I think it's the fact that I know I am okay and I am sitting beside calm waters instead of in that dark hallway with Nick.

I look at Harry, who is staring out at the water, a look telling me that he is deep in his thoughts right now. I begin to wonder why he saved me. He was going to drop me off of a cliff just 24 hours ago, what changed that made him care about me since then. I almost laugh at the thought, I know for a fact that he doesn't care about me, which is what has me so stumped on why he'd help me with Nick.

After a few moments, Harry feels my eyes on him and looks at me from the corner of his. I look away and pretend I wasn't just trying to figure out the puzzle which is him.

"You do that a lot, you know," he says.

"Do what?" I ask although I know what he is referring to.

"Stare at me with those big sinless eyes and think I don't know you're watching me," I am taken back a bit, not knowing that he had caught me so many times in the past. I have even caught myself staring without knowing a few times.

"I'm just trying to figure you out."

He looks at me straight in the face now, turning his head towards me. "Figure me out?" He raises an eyebrow.

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