~Chapter 7~

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It does not take long to get to the pub that Harry said was called "The Fisherman's Pub." On the way here, we passed a few people, the girls with their usual weird hairstyles and the men in their fishermen clothes. But they all had frowns, which did not surprise me. It did still creep me out how they all wore a frown rather than smiling. It did make me feel even more unsafe than I already know I am here.

Harry opens the giant door to the building that I assume is the pub because he has not told me otherwise. We walk in and my eyes have to adjust to how dark it is in here. It isn't exactly sunny outside on the island, but it was darker inside of this pub. When my eyes adjust, I see a lot of people sitting all around. There are some scary-looking men with beards sitting at the bar. They all have different types of drinks in their hands. I look to my right and see a table of girls with alcohol-filled glasses and to my left is another table filled with guys that look around my age. I am surrounded by drunk people and mostly scare men. I do not like the vibe of this pub at all.

Harry grabs my wrist and drags me with force over to an empty table in the corner away from everyone. I don't know if I should be relieved or scared that we are alone and not where everyone can see us.

"I am going to order me a beer, what do you want?" My mind immediately goes to food and I have no idea what the menu looks like here. Surely they have hamburgers right? I mean almost every place with food has hamburgers.

"I will have a burger and fries with water please," I tell him. Harry nods and stands up, walking over to the bar. I look around, paranoid now because I am sitting all alone at this table. I don't think anyone will come over here, but I am still scared. It is really loud in here, the music is almost as loud as you would imagine it to be in a club and the people are talking so loud that it seems they are shouting at one another. A few moments go by and harry comes back with my food and his drink. He hands me the food and a glass of water. I am really thirsty, but as he sits the drink down, I can't help but remember what happened the last time I took a drink out of Harry's hands. "Can I trust that you didn't spike this drink as well?" I ask him with a small smirk. He doesn't smile back, not that I would ever expect him to smile. He just glares at me before talking.

"I have no reason to spike your drink anymore," He simply says. I roll my eyes, but for some reason, I know that he is telling the truth. I take a sip of my water and it feels like I am taking a breath of fresh air. I don't think I have ever gone this long without water before and it tastes amazing. I immediately dig into my burger and I feel like a dog eating like this, but I honestly don't care. I haven't eaten in who knows how long. I feel Harry's eyes on me and I pause before looking up with a mouth full of french fries.

"What?" My voice comes out muffled from the food that is inside. He shakes his head from side to side. "Do you want some?" I offer him some of my hamburger, but he immediately makes a squeamish face.

"No, absolutely not," He says with a disgusted look. I crinkle my eyebrows at his reaction. What is his problem?

"What's with the face?"

"I just don't like hamburgers," He tells me, avoiding eye contact.

"Whatever," I say in disbelief. "Everyone likes hamburgers."

"Not true."

"Yes, it is. Here just take a bite," I say holding it out for him to take.

"No get it away from me," He starts to back up as I put the burger closer to his face. "Anna get the fuck out of my face," He growls. My heart drops a bit at the nickname that he calls me. He has never called me anything other than sunflower. Anna is what my friends used to call me, I miss them.

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