~Chapter 53~

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I don't know anything about anything anymore.

Harry was sweet and then he was rude and then he was protective and then he was an ass...again.

So many unanswered questions and so much confusion. My brain feels almost as weak as my body. Maybe it's because Jenny bashed my head onto the metal boat floor, but Harry's bipolar ass isn't helping with the pain at all.

He left me confused and lonely in my room hours ago and since then I haven't budged on my bed.

And all I've seen since 18 hours ago when he left me alone with my thoughts is those green eyes that light up when he is in a good mood and the dark ones he gives me when he's mad. The thought of the freckles in his small little smile he gives me sometimes when he can't contain his serious tone. It's not really a smile...but in the back of my mind, it counts as one coming from him.

I can't get him off my mind and it is making me more frustrated than ever.

He is a murderer.

Just because he was nice after you almost died doesn't mean he gets a clean slate.

He tortured you.

He hung you from a cliff.

He...made out with you in the top of a lighthouse.


Forget about that, Anna.

Don't think about how he grabbed you and crashed his lips against yours with...passion.

His lips.

His soft pink lips.


You have a boyfriend Anna.

Todd. You love Todd and he loves you.

Just forget about the way Harry made you feel that one night after fighting in the rain...which turned to kissing in the rain...which later turned to unspeakable things that I shouldn't have let happen with Harry.

But God, I can't stop thinking about it.

My feet have a mind of their own as they step one after the other out of my bed and onto the floor which is cold under my worn-out unpainted toenails.

I always used to paint my toenails...

I make my way to the small bathroom inside of the room Harry gave me and look at myself in the mirror. I really look at myself...or for myself, I should say.

The girl staring straight back at me through the glass is not the same girl I used to know only months ago. She has the same color hair of dark brown, although it is more frizzy and unkept than before. The same blue-hazel-colored eyes which used to see the world in a much happier perspective, but now have a slight sadness in them. And her smile...well her smile was left on the beach that day and never found its way back home.

She is the same person but the things that have happened to her have made her so unrecognizable to me at this moment. That girl on the beach all those months ago...she doesn't even exist anymore.

She's gone, but she used to be mine.

The longer I stare into my soulless eyes in the mirror, the more and more I look like a stranger to myself.

I don't know her, I don't like her, and I do not want her.

The anger that has been building up inside of me for days begins to make its way to the surface and soon enough it makes its way all the way up to my face and into my eyes until it finally escapes in the form of tears flowing out of my eyes and down my bruised cheeks.

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