~Chapter 27~

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Harry left.

I have no idea where he is, all I know is that he was sitting in the sand one minute and the next he was gone.

I don't really give a shit if I'm being honest, he was starting to become his possessive asshole self again and I can't handle that right now. I have different problems in my mind.

When Harry showed me the swimsuit from his wardrobe, I was very on edge. I didn't know if I wanted to wear it because of the way I reacted when I so much as thought of my old purple one, but there were other reasons too.

Since I have been on this island, I have lost an unhealthy amount of weight. I have never been an extremely skinny person, so when I look down and see my ribs I start to worry. I know that I will be okay because Harry promised me that if I played this little game of 'fake relationship' with him then I could eat, but it's still worrying that my waist is so much smaller now.

I am also extremely insecure about this wound on my side. The swimsuit Harry gave me covers half of it because the bottoms are high-waisted, but the other half is definitely noticeable.

I have been standing in the water with Liam and Lana for almost an hour and the only reason they haven't noticed the fresh scar is because my hands haven't left my stomach. I don't want them asking questions about it because I am a terrible liar sometimes.

Jenny hasn't left the sand, she has been laying on a towel, flat on her stomach the entire time I have been here. There is absolutely no sun out, I don't know why she is laying there like she is tanning.

Niall wasn't here when Harry and I walked up. He still isn't here, but I have no clue where he is. Niall is the one Harry called.

Liam and Lana are just like Rylee and Owen when it comes to public affection. They are all over each other and it's quite embarrassing for me since I am literally third-wheeling them at the moment.

"Do you guys know when Niall will be getting here?" I ask in desperate need to talk to someone other than them. I'm not being rude, I just can't get their attention they are practically fucking right in front of me.

"He'll be here soon," Liam says in between kisses with Lana. I sigh and walk out of the water without saying anything else, I doubt they will even notice that I am gone. I bow have to do what I desperately did not want to do. I have to sit here and try to make conversation with Jenny.

I'm starting to think this little beach trip was a way of Harry leaving me to be tortured like this. Nothing about this is fun to me.

I wince as I walk on the rocky sand with my bare feet. This sand is nothing like the kind at the beach where I and my friends were at, it was so silky and smooth to the point where it was hard to walk because your feet would sink into it. This sand is 80 percent rocks and 20 percent wet sand.

I finally make it to where Jenny is sitting and plop my ass down on the gross sand, wishing there was at least a little bit of sun out. But I know that in Eroda, the sun is too much to ask for.

"If you think you are going to sit here and have a heart-to-heart conversation with me, you're wrong," Jenny mumbles into her arm that her face is laying on.

"I wasn't." I am quick to scoff at her words. As if I'd even want to talk to her voluntarily.

"Then what the fuck do you want?" She asks, still not looking at me.

I look out at Liam and Lana who are still making out in the water. "I got tired of witnessing those two practically making a baby."

That's when Jenny's head lifts up and looks out at her two friends out in the water. She gags when she sees them and then lays her head back down. "Reminds me of you and Harry." I am taken aback when she says this. Gross, we weren't that affectionate were we? Even if we were, it was all for show.

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