~Chapter 15~

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Sometimes you can just tell when something bad is going to happen. It's a feeling you get deep down. Most call it a gut feeling, but I usually feel it in my heart. It's a feeling that you are on edge but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. And the whole time, your mind is telling you to leave, to not go wherever it is that you are going. I had the feeling that the first day of spring break. I didn't want to leave my bed, but Rylee forced me to go to the beach. If only I would have followed my instincts back then, I wouldn't be stuck here. I had the same feeling before walking into that pub. I knew something terrible was going to happen. I just didn't understand how terrible it was until the second we lost sight of Louis.

Harry and I barged out of the pub to chase after him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I honestly was happy that he escaped. I did not want to hurt or endanger another person today. Harry, on the other hand, looked beyond pissed. I don't know what will happen if we don't find him, but I am assuming we will die. Usually, when that thought pops into my head, my heart sinks and I feel like throwing up everywhere. But this time, I am not phased by it at all. It sounds peaceful compared to everything I have been through on this island.

I watch Harry through my peripheral vision and his jaw has stayed clinched the whole time we have been walking. His eyebrows creased in that glaring way that they do.

"Don't worry Harry, we are going to find him," I tell him in a serious voice. I have confidence at least, I mean he has to give that to me. I look at him and his jaw is clenched even harder and he inhales sharply through his nose. He keeps his eyes searching for any sign of Louis, and avoids looking at me. "Harry," I say gently, a bit concerned at the state he is in at the moment.

"Anna, right now I am on the verge of pushing you up against that wall in a chokehold, so for your own good, shut the fuck up." My eyes widen and I look away from him immediately. "The one thing I tell her not to do and she opens her big mouth anyway," he mutters as his eyes continue to search.

"Excuse me but you are the one who blew up and basically told the whole pub what we were up to," I have a major issue with word vomit, I seriously can't stop myself sometimes. Harry stops walking and slowly turns his head to look at me. His eyes are dark and filled with anger.

"I told you to fucking shut up," Harry says as he takes a step closer to me. He grabs my wrist and drags me towards the closet hidden wall." I just wish you would fucking listen for once in your life, everything is not about you, can you not get that through your thick skull," he says as he forcefully shakes my head side to side with his big hands. I try to fight back by trying to pull his hands away from me but that only makes things worse. Harry slams me against the wall once.

"If I go down you are going down with me," tears start to stream down my face. "I'm not going to give pig the courtesy of killing you," Harry says as he grabs my neck, "Oh no, baby I'm going to do it myself and I will make sure you suffer as much as you have made me suffer." Harry slowly moves his fingers across my neck in a slice throat motion sending a shiver down my spine. My hands begin to shake as I begin to get freaked out by his words.

"Harry, please stop, you are scaring me," I say as the tears won't stop streaming down my ears. I try to stand still because I know if I move he will only hurt me worse.

"Sunflower you don't even know scary," he whispers as he slowly gets closer to me.  He takes a piece of my hair which is still kinked from when Lana fixed it, "And get this shit hair out of my view." He says as he pulls away and starts to walk down the street.

I take a moment to breathe and reflect on what just happened. I hate it here. I hate Harry and I hate this stupid island. I'm not going to stay around and take this any longer. I'm going to find a way to leave and I'm going to find it now.

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