~Chapter 55~

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My brain is jumbled and moving slower than all of the events that have just taken place.

Harry and I were on a sort of date?

I kissed Harry.

Todd (My fucking boyfriend of 3 years) shows up out of nowhere.? ..Shit.

My reality kicks in and I remember who Harry is and everything he has done to me.

I run to Todd.

Todd tries to start something with Harry.

Bells chime.

Harry protectively grabs me.

We run.

It is all just so fucking much to comprehend within just a few minutes. So all I knew to do was follow Harry, because if I have learned anything from being on this island it's that Harry knows what the fuck he is doing and how to not get killed.

But what about Todd?

As I run behind Harry, I can feel the paint that was on my face from earlier trickling down from the water that I jumped in only minutes ago.

What is my life? Just minutes ago I was kissing the lips of my kidnapper and now my boyfriend is here and I am holding hands with Harry instead.

Let's not forget it's because I don't want to die. That is the only reason I am still holding his hand. To keep up with him.

I can hear Todd behind me, but I don't look back as I am avoiding this whole awkward situation with everything there is in me.

"Harry what do the bells mean?" I scream as I run with his hand in mine. He doesn't answer....not surprising. "Harry?"

"Let's just fucking assume right now that we will all die if we don't get back to my cabin."

Ok then.

"Annabel!" I hear the familiar voice that I had almost forgotten about tell from behind me. "Please slow down." I hear the struggle in his voice as he pants and struggles to keep up, I know I should help, but he needs to keep running if he doesn't want to die.

Damn.... That was harsh Anna.

We run for minutes that seem like hours until I see the familiar rocks that lead to Harry's cabin. Something about that place giving me the sense of familiarity and comfort, unexpectedly. I wish it didn't though, God how I wish my kidnapper's home didn't make me feel safe.

"Annabel!!!!" Todd yells out of pure fright from behind Harry and I, I hear a clud and that's when I finally turn around.

Todd, who was once on his feet running as fast as he could, was now on the ground. He had tripped and fallen over and now was trying his best to get back up.

Todd always was a clumsy one.

I sigh and stop running. I jerk my arm from Harry's grip, avoiding the pain that my hand is in from my freshly bandaged cuts. God time really does move at fast speed on this island when things happen. One minute I'm punching a mirror at the sight of my ugly reflection, the next my boyfriend shows up mid-make out session with Harry.

"Anna what the fuck?" Harry calls to me in a stressed out tone, but I ignored it and run over to Todd as quickly as I can. I use all the little strength that I have in my fragile, beat up body to yank him up by his arm and pull him along.

Harry had stopped to see what I was doing and as soon as I got Todd up and running, he rolled him eyes and continued on to the path to his cabin, looking back every few seconds to make sure I was still with him.

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