~Chapter 25~

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The rest of the time at the "Flanagan Fish Market" was pretty calm. Everyone just sat silently while eating their food, every few minutes Lana would throw in a random comment to make the silence less awkward.

If Harry and Jenny weren't here, we would not have this problem. Lana and I get along well, but the issue we have right now is that Jenny and Harry noticeably hate each other's guts. I still have no idea what happened for their relationship to end so badly. Knowing them, it doesn't surprise me one bit that they ended up here, glaring at each other with so much anger that you could actually visualize the thoughts that are running through their minds.

What Lana doesn't know is that Harry and I also hate each other, but right now we are playing the roles of two people who are in love. I must say we are both pretty good actors, I never thought it would be this easy to act like I don't want to knee Harry in the balls every time I see his face.

We are putting on quite a show, but that means nothing because I know good and well the second we are alone we will go right back to yelling at each other.

"I have a great idea of what we can do next!" Lana says in an enthusiastic voice as if this day hasn't already been tormenting enough.

We are all walking out of the restaurant, Harry's hand clasped with mine as he walks a bit behind me. I bet he is regretting coming with us right now. I look back at him and his face shows no sign of any emotion, as usual. I have no idea what is going through his mind at the moment, but I know it can't be good thoughts. His eyes speak for him, and right now they are saying "Shit, what have I gotten myself into?"

"I'm out," Jenny states, throwing her hands up in surrender and walking in the opposite direction of Lana.

Lana immediately leans sideways towards Jenny and grabs her arm before she can runoff. "Oh no you don't, I will not be a third wheel for those two." Jenny huffs and looks back at Harry and me with a death glare. "And besides you're going to love what I have for us to do."

I begin to wonder if there is even much to do on this island other than eat. It seems to me that the only places here are restaurants and that one club. Then again, I haven't even seen Eroda in its entirety yet, so I am clueless.

Harry seems so annoyed with everything right now, I guess he got so fed up with Lana that he couldn't take it anymore because he stops walking. I look back at him and he has his fingers on the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes tightly. His other hand is still puzzled with mine and all I want right now is to go back to hating each other.

As Lana keeps walking and telling us all about her plans, Harry suddenly speaks up and says, "What if I just call the boys and we go to the beach for the rest of the day?" Lana squeals mid-sentence as Harry suggests his idea.

I assume that she must be excited to finally see Liam again. I look at Jenny to see her reaction, and she seems somewhat happy by the idea. She is probably relieved because I could just tell that she was about to unleash some anger a few moments before when Lana was the one controlling where we went.

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" Lana agrees with Harry's idea and he nods.

I think back to Harry's words, noticing how he said he would call the boys. Since I have been on this island I have yet to see one person with a cell phone. It was odd at first, but now I have actually grown used to the idea of no device in my hand at all times. I was never the kind of person who was all into social media and the modernization of technology, but it was still kind of surreal how no one was staring at their phones around here.

"Honey?" Harry asks from behind me, his large hand still around my small one.

That's a new one.

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