~Chapter 44~

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As I get ready for bed, I use one of the spare toothbrushes Niall gave me and also wash my face with some of his face wash.

I have to say, I am becoming more fond of Niall than I was when I first met him. I feel for some reason that he means well. It's the same way for Zayn. I feel more pity for Zayn though, the poor guy keeps getting beat up because of me. I feel terrible, I have apologized at least twenty times to him, but he kept telling me not to worry about it that it wasn't my fault.

Everyone keeps telling me that what happened to Zayn isn't my fault. They keep saying it was because of Pig and not me except for Jenny that is. Jenny blames it all on me, she may be a bitch about it, but part of me knows she is right. Pig forced Harry to beat the shit out of Zayn that day I tried to escape because Zayn wasn't guarding the docks. Pig also made someone cut the hell out of Zayn's arm because I kissed him that day in the Gold Dust store.

But there is one other person all of this goes back to that nobody has mentioned.


It's was because of Harry I was trying to get the hell off of this island. It was because of Harry that I kissed Zayn in the first place, trying to prove a stupid point.

Harry seems to be the root of every problem here, not me. But I am the only one who seems to know this. Harry knows it, but there is no way he'd ever take that credit.

Harry has been very...nice today. I'm not sure why and it has me nervous. He actually hasn't said one rude thing to me since he arrived at Niall's house. Once he showed up he was out of breath as if he had been running miles.

He comforted me earlier when I was embarrassingly crying over something Jenny said. I shouldn't have cried over that, it was weak. I had a momentary lapse though. All of the stress and fear from today came pouring onto me at once and then the floodgates opened.

Why was he so soft with me? Why was he so gentle? I don't understand.

After getting all cleaned up, I walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards the spare bedroom that Harry and I are sharing. I don't know how to feel about this. The only time I have ever shared a bed with him, I was completely wasted and even then it was awkward in the morning.

It was me who spoke up first though. I had to stupidly tell Niall that Harry and I could share a room.

It was for the plan. Everything I do is for the plan.

I take a deep breath standing outside of this door, knowing that there is a long and awkward night waiting behind this wooden surface. I slowly twist the doorknob and walk into the room, seeing Harry sitting on the edge of the bed.

His focus is on his hands which are entangled as his elbows rest on his knees. That's not what catches my focus though, it's the fact that he is wearing nothing but black sweatpants, leaving all of his tattoos which litter his chest in my view.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I close the door silently behind me.

"Hey," I speak to grab his attention from whatever is going through his mind.

He looks up at my voice with slightly widened eyes and then quietly clears his throat.

"Hi," he speaks, not making it subtle when he looks me up and down. I almost forgot I am wearing a large t-shirt Niall gave me that reaches my mid-thigh, he didn't have anything else for me to wear.

Maybe Harry still hates me, but I think I've won over his sexual side at least.

I lightly clear my throat and look away from Harry's gaze and walk away from the door awkwardly. I sit down on my side of the bed, getting underneath the covers as Harry is still sitting on the bottom, his back to me.

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