~Chapter 6~

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I blink my eyes to adjust them to the reflection of the light bouncing off of the golden object. I haven't got a good look at it yet, so I am not sure what it is. I lean my body forward to get a better view. Inside of the chest sits a helmet of some sort. It looks like a really old scuba helmet. Why would Harry have a scuba helmet locked in this box? It was locked, so the helmet must have some sentimental value to him.

It is so weird, this island. everything is just so strange and I can't help but feel like I am missing a huge part of the reason why this place is so gloomy. Although Harry is a complete jackass, he still seems to be the most normal person here. No one smiles, they all frown. Harry doesn't exactly frown, but I have definitely never seen him smile. The weather here is always perpetually cloudy and the air is usually misty. This place is the exact opposite of my dream world and I absolutely hate it here.

I close the chest and sit on the ground as fast as I can. My leg feels like it is going to fall off from the pain that I am still feeling. My arm is not as bad, but it still aches. There is dirt on the white cloth that is covering my injuries from digging the hole that is supposedly my grave. I feel disgusting. I need a shower so bad, it has been a week...or two? I have lost track of how long I have been stuck here, but I have never gone this long without a shower.

My body is laying down flat on the dirt and I feel relaxed for what seems to be the first time in years. I close my heavy eyes and drift away into nothingness.


The sun is shining in my eyes when I wake up and I am baffled as to why there is sunlight. My eyes open and I instantly recognize the circular window of the room that I have spent too much time locked in. Harry must have brought me here. Why?  Why didn't he just leave me in the dark?

I look around and the room looks exactly the same as it has the past few days, except this time the door is different. It is open. My eyelashes flutter in confusion and curiosity. I stand up and pain immediately shoots up my burnt leg. I forgot that I was injured until the feeling of knives stabbing me hit my leg. I look down at it and notice something different. The once dirty cloth was now clean. It was replaced with a new one. I look at my arm and see that it was replaced as well.

My leg struggles as I make my way to the wide-open door. Does he think that I won't run again? Because I sure as hell would sprint, even with a crippled leg if it meant leaving this island of misery.

I make it to the door and into the hallway. I have no clue where Harry is, but he can't be far since he left me in that room with the door wide open. I know he wouldn't have left me alone for long. I look down the hallway at the other doors to the rooms that looked like they may be the same as the one he keeps me in. I can't help but wonder if there are any other prisoners in them. I look to my right to make sure Harry isn't around, before striding as fast as I can to the closest mysterious room. I put my hand on the knob and try to twist it, but it stays closed because the door is locked. I sigh and walk to the next one. It is locked, just like the one before. My gaze goes to an odd-looking door across the hall from the one I am standing at. The door is yellow at the top but looks like it was broken in half. The bottom half is a blue color with a golden knob on it. The top half had a silver knob. What is in there?

I hesitate before deciding to twist the bottom knob. It doesn't budge, of course, so my hand goes up to the top half of the door and lands on the silver knob. I start to twist it, but before I can even find out if it opens or not, I am turned around and slammed against the wall beside me.

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