~Chapter 31~

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Anna doesn't know what she's getting herself into when she tries to test me like this. I know she is testing my limits and seeing just how angry she can get me, but little does she know I am an excellent actor and I can pretend as long as I need to.

Her legs are wrapped around my torso and my hand is wrapped around her throat, but not as tight as usual. And something deep in her hazel blue eyes tells me that she kind of likes it. This only provokes me even more and brings a cocky smile onto my lips.

Her hands suddenly tangle into my hair and she pulls gently just enough for it to give me that familiar feeling that I vaguely remember from the night before at the lighthouse. My breathing hitches slightly in my throat, but not enough for her to notice.

I don't know what is happening right now. I have no idea what this is. All I know is after that kiss in the lighthouse I can't stop thinking about my lips on hers and how much it turned me on. I know this is wrong in so many ways and on so many different levels, but if this is wrong God, I can't even imagine what right feels like.

"Try me, babe," Anna whispers in a sweet and yet seductive voice. My heart rate surely just increased dramatically, and I am hoping she doesn't notice because if she knew the way I feel right now, she'd know how much power she actually has over me in this position.

I smirk and open my mouth to answer her with a snarky comment, but I am interrupted by the phone beginning to ring loudly from the left of us. I let out a sigh and look over at it wishing it would just shut the fuck up. It always feels like our little moments get interrupted.

"We'll finish this later," I make sure she hears me before I walk over to the phone and answer it with an annoyed tone. Whoever this is better hope it's fucking important. "Hello?"

"Hey, mate!" I hear Zayn's voice on the other end of the phone.

Fucking cock block.

"What do you need?" I hiss, still trying to come down from what could have happened again between Anna and me.

"I'm here at Gold Dust with Niall. It's his time to get his golden earring." Zayn mutters over the line.

Shit. I almost forgot.

"Right," I say and look up at Anna who is still standing where I left her, leaning up against the wall but now she is staring at her feet in thought.

What is going on in that head of hers?

"How soon can you be here?" Zayn asks.

"Who else is there?" I don't know what to do with Anna. If Pig is at the jewelry shop, she can't be there. That's just dangerous for everybody. She can't stay here alone and I don't trust Jenny with her. I'm sure Lana is somewhere with Liam and that would just be awkward for Anna.

"It's me, Niall and Jenny."

"Alright, I'll be there in ten." I hang up the phone and look back at Anna who is staring at her nails to seem busy, but I know she just feels embarrassed after what just happened. She looks up at me once she realizes that I am off the phone and has a curious look on her face.

"Who was it?" She asks innocently as if she wasn't just trying to seduce me less than five minutes ago.

"Get some shoes on we're going out." I don't tell her who was on the phone because explaining the whole Zayn situation would be too much of a headache. Especially to Anna who asks millions of questions. I don't need any more of a headache than I already have from my hangover which is barely noticeable now.

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