~Chapter 42~

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"What do you mean by Pig?" I ask Zayn as I observe the cut on his shoulder. "Why would he do this to you?" I lift the cloth-made bandage that he had placed over the bloody wound and take a look.

"He ahh," Zayn hisses in pain when I gently touch the skin surrounding the wound. "He didn't like the idea of you kissing me."

"What?" I almost shout at the answer he gives me. How does that even make sense? Why would Pig give a shit about who I kiss? "How did he even find out about that?" I immediately look over at Jenny, seeing her sit down in a chair next to the couch where Liam is sitting.

"Pig has eyes everywhere," Zayn says, speaking through the pain.

"Well, why the hell should he care if I kissed you or not?" I think out loud, but Liam and Zayn just exchange a look, making me curious as to what they know that I don't. "Care to share?" I raise an eyebrow at them, but their mouths stay closed.

I look at Jenny and see that she clearly doesn't even want to be part of this conversation as she is pretending to clean underneath her nails.

"There's nothing to share, Pig's just a dick," Liam chimes in. But I know there has to be more to it than that, no one does these things just to be a dick.

"But that doesn't make sens-"

"Can you come help me in the kitchen with my cut?" Zayn speaks over me, not letting me finish my statement. I pause, a bit took aback.

"Yeah...sure," I stand up after him and follow his footsteps through the hallway and then into the kitchen.

He closes the kitchen door behind me, which makes me a bit nervous, but I try my best not to be.

"Look I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but Pig is after you." My heart drops at his words. "He has it out for you and didn't like it when he found out that you kissed me."

"But it doesn't make sense," I say as soon as he tells me this. "He hasn't had a problem with Harry and I kissing." I am genuinely confused by this whole situation.

"Have you and Harry kissed in public?"


"Where?" I feel odd about Zayn asking me these questions.

"Um..." I am hesitant about answering, not really wanting Harry and I's private moments known to one of his friends. Or whatever Zayn is to him, I don't think they are friends, but I've never been around the both of them together. "Just in the lighthouse and outside of Jenny's house." I don't think the outside of Harry's cabin counts as a public place since it is in the middle of nowhere, so I decide to leave that one out.

"See, those are both places where Pig wouldn't have known about it." He tries to explain to me, but I still feel out of the loop here.

"I don't understand."

"There were cameras in Gold Dust," he finally gives me a clear answer.

"What?" I'm shocked by this information. Cameras? I mean Eroda is the kind of place with low-key technology. Rotary phones, box t.v.'s, record players, it definitely doesn't seem like the place to have security cameras in stores.

"Pig has cameras just about everywhere, I'm surprised Harry hasn't told you this," he says with a look telling me that I should have already known this.

"Apparently there is a lot Harry hasn't told me," I say, remembering Jenny telling me that Harry owns a television earlier.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, and if you don't know things like this, it will make you an easier target for Pig." Zayn seems actually concerned about me. He seems to be the only one. Harry obviously doesn't care about me enough to tell me these things. I know for a fact Jenny wouldn't and Niall has been avoiding me ever since I told him that I was kidnapped by Harry. I need to fix that soon.

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