~Chapter 5~

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My throat goes dry and my heart is beating out of my chest. I don't know if that noise was Harry or not because as soon as I heard it, I twisted the doorknob and sprinted out of the cabin with everything that I had left in me.

I recognize the roads from when Harry and I walked earlier. I just had to get to a boat or something that will help me get off of this damn island.

Adrenaline is pumping through my veins as I run faster than I ever knew that I could. The dead grass crunches underneath my feet and misty rain is starting to hit my cheeks. I can see the water from where Harry untied me from his sailboat. I see three boats just sitting there. This is too easy.

I have no clue how to sail, but I will try anything to leave this place.

I finally reach the dock and I am shaking out of nerves. There is no one around the dock area and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. I haven't looked behind me yet, I am too afraid that I will turn around and see Harry striding towards me. I quickly walk to one of the sailboats. I choose the smaller one with a red sail. I am pretty sure this is the same boat that Harry kidnapped me in. I step into the boat and untie the rope which is tied to the wooden dock.

I have no idea what the hell I am doing. How do I even get this boat into the ocean?

I throw the rope away from the sailboat and try with the little strength that I have left in my body to push the boat away from the dock. After realizing how weak I have become and pushing for what seemed like minutes, the boat started to float away from the dock. I wanted to cry tears of joy when I noticed that I was moving. I have been on this island for almost a week and I have thought multiple times that this would be the place where I took my last breath. Now I am here, in a boat, escaping from this horrid place.

The wind starts to blow and it pushes the boat out further into the water, making everything on that dead land become distant. I might actually make it out of here. I might actually see my friends again. I don't have a clue where I am going or how to get home from here, but anywhere is better than being locked in that room in Harry's cabin. I guess for now I will just focus on getting far away enough so that Harry can't get to me.

I watch as I drift away from the island and everything starts to disappear. I assume Harry wasn't following me here because I didn't see him anywhere around. I turn around and watch the giant rocks as I pass them and continue to sail away. I am pretty far away from the land now. I smile to myself and an accidental giggle leaves my throat. I am elated right now. How did I just manage to do that? I picked a lock. I picked a fucking lock. I laugh loud this time because no one can hear me from here. I'm free.

I sigh in excitement and sit down on the seat in the boat. I am grinning and staring off into space when I notice an odd smell. It smells like something is burning. I am totally confused as to where it is coming from until I look up at the sail. The red cloth is burning with flames. Where the hell did they come from? How did that even happen? My smile was ripped off of my face and now I was panicking. Shit.

The flames are huge and now the wooden part of the boat is starting to catch fire. I need to get off of this boat. The water around me is very questionable because it is so dark that it looks black, but I have to jump. I stand on the edge about to dive into the water when something stings my ankle. I scream out in pain and tears instantly filled my eyes. I look down at my ankle to see fire running up the red pants of the outfit that Harry gave me. Shit shit shit.

I cry out from the heat and the fear in my head. My foot goes over the side of the wood and I am about to jump in when another sting catches me off guard, but this time it is on the skin of my arm. All at once, I feel like thousands of hot knives are being stabbed into me. I look at my arm and see it on fire. I scream from the pain and start to feel a bit nauseous. My head is pounding, but the hurt isn't even close to the one in my arm that is on fire.

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