~Chapter 10~

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My heart sinks to my feet and my blood feels like it has run cold as I stare at the list of names on the mirror in front of me. My mouth is hung slightly open and I can feel a lump tight in my throat from fear. This can't be real.

I stand frozen as people around me are screaming and scattering all over the club. Harry still has a tight grip on my wrist and he is staring at the names which are now dripping down to the wall. I re-read the words over and over trying to comprehend them.

The following must complete their Erodian tasks or the girl dies

I read the words in my head once again, but I don't know what they mean. All I know is that my name is at the bottom of this list and whatever this means, whatever an Erodian task is, I have to complete it or someone will lose their life.

"Annabel! Did you hear me? I said let's fucking go," Harry pulls me out of my shocked and still drunk mind by waving his large hand in front of my face. "Now," he urges through his teeth and I snap out of my trance. He yanks my arm and drags me across the room of 'Lights Up' as he sprints with all of his might. It isn't until now that I feel the tears streaming down my face as I try to keep myself from tripping while I run. What is going on?

Harry pulls us down the hallway and towards the elevator, shoving people out of the way. The hall is crowded as people are frantically trying to escape from the underground club. We finally make it to the elevator but there are too many people in the way. Everyone is all squished together as we try to run for our lives.

"We have to take another way out," Harry mutters under his breath. I am positive that he is not talking to me, but completely to himself. Before I can even form another thought, I am being dragged in the opposite direction of the one everyone else is running. He pulls me across the dance floor where he and I were just dancing only minutes ago. The club looks empty now due to all of the people stuffing themselves inside of that one small elevator. I feel bad for whoever has to control it, they are going to have to be strong to turn the lever with that many people inside.

I watch through my tear-blurred vision as Harry jumps over the bar and I follow him, doing the same. He goes to the back, behind the large shelf of liquor and I quickly follow his step, not wanting to be left alone. Behind the shelf, there is a dark room with wooden boxes, which I assume is filled with bottles of different types of alcohol. Harry pushes one big box aside, revealing another trap door on the floor. He pulls the handle and I see another ladder leading down. How much farther underground can we go?

I notice that I haven't breathed correctly since I saw the names in the mirror. My breaths are only coming out as sobs and I didn't even realize how hard I was actually crying until the air around us goes silent. Harry looks up at me and I expect him to tell me to shut up or roll his eyes, but he doesn't do either of those things. The look he gives me is completely blank. I wish I knew what he was thinking right now, but if I knew I would probably wish that I didn't.

My heart drops when I hear footsteps walking in our direction. It isn't just one person, I can tell that those are multiple people's footsteps. Harry's eyes slightly widen and he steps behind me placing his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. I try to stop my sobbing, but it is to the point where it is more of a panic than a cry and I cannot control it. My heart beats faster the closer the footsteps come. They are louder now, so loud that I know they are behind the bar and in front of the liquor shelf. I hold Harry's arm tight out of fear as the sound comes right in front of the door. I am shaking from the fear of who the footsteps belong to. What if it is Pig?

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