~Chapter 11~

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A tear slips down my cheek for what seems to be the millionth time today as I look up from the letter. I take notice of everyone in the room. They are all spread out in different parts of the dingy diner. Jenny still sits on the couch, her face in her hands as she looks stressed. I look over to Liam and see him pacing back and forth with his hand on his chin and a serious look in his eyes. Niall is just sitting at the bar, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. My eyes move to Lana who is sat in a chair close to Liam, biting her long pink fingernails. And then my gaze meets Harry who is staring at me, waiting for my reaction.

I know that my eyes are wide with fear and my face is wet with my tears. I keep eye contact with him waiting for some sort of instructions, but he does not say a word. He doesn't dare show it on his face, but for some unknowable reason, I can tell that he is worried. Maybe it is the look in his eyes or maybe it is the way that he is speechless right now, I don't know, but Harry Styles is human and he cannot hide his worry from me at this moment.

I look back at everyone else and see that they are doing the same. We are all just looking at each other, not knowing what to do, not knowing what each other's tasks are, and not knowing what to say. Pig said in the letter that we cannot tell each other what our tasks are, and I think we are all too afraid to find out what will happen if we do.

Someone clears their throat and the mood instantly changes as I look behind me. Harry seems to be out of his fearful state and back into his cold one. His posture has changed and he has that serious look back on his face.

"Right then, we better get going Annabel," His cool raspy voice says and he grabs my wrist, pulling me towards the door of the diner. I don't try to fight him, but I do look back at everyone seeing them watch us leave. Lana looks worried and Jenny still hasn't looked up from her hands. Niall and Liam just watch with scared faces. I don't think that any of them give a shit about me except for Lana. I think they are all scared for themselves, not me.

Harry continues pulling me, we are walking towards his cabin and I start to feel relieved. I thought he was actually going to make me go through with this. I should have known Harry would have a different plan. I do not speak a word all the way to the cabin because I am too afraid, but the second we step inside I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank goodness, I thought you were actually going to make me go through with that," I laugh softly. "So what is the plan? Are we hiding in a secret bunker that happens to be under your cabin or what?" I ask him, but he does not look amused or relieved.

"You read the letter, Anna, there is no way out of this." He says and starts to gather random things from all around the living room. He notices my face drop and then stops what he is doing. "You know unless you would like to die. That would make it so much easier on me." I feel my heartbeat speed up again and any piece of relief that I had before is completely gone.

"Y-You mean..you mean to tell me that we are actually going to find those people and force them to break Eroda rules?" My voice is shaking and m thoughts are scattered out everywhere. Harry gives me a look as to say 'obviously.' "But what will happen to them? What happens when they are caught not following the rules?" I search his face for an answer, but he is avoiding the question. Something tells me that he knows the answer to it though. Then I remember something that the letter said about Harry already having done Erodian tasks before. "Harry?" I ask and he looks at me, in the midst of searching the cabin for something. I was going to ask about his experience with these tasks, but I know that he won't answer me, so I change my question. "What are you looking for?" He looks away from me and continues to search.

"Supplies," He simply says as he opens the closet door. "Supplies that will help us get it done as quickly as possible. He grabs something and closes the door. He walks towards me and hands me something. "Here put this on," He tells me and I look down at what is in my hand. It is a golden necklace with a small bullet shell-shaped whistle at the end of it. My eyebrows crinkle together in confusion. "Now," Harry says with more force in his voice as he walks into the kitchen. I quickly put the necklace around my neck. I hear running water coming from the kitchen and walk-in there to see what he is doing now.

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