~Chapter 8~

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The guy barges through the door and into Harry's cabin. I do not know who this man is, but after everything that has happened today, I am a bit worried that he might not be very friendly.

Harry looks at me and then back at the guy with dirty blonde hair. The boy has baby blue eyes and does not look as stiff and miserable as everyone else on this island.

"What kind of problem?" Harry asks under his breath. The blonde guy glances at me for a moment before looking back at Harry.

"I think it would be better if we spoke about it without an audience," he says as he gestures a nod towards me. Harry gives me a side glance and then lets out a breath. He turns to me with a stern look in his eyes.

"Stay here, don't go anywhere." I nod my head in agreement. There is no way I would leave this place alone after everything that I have learned so far today. "You know I will find you if you do anyway." With that, he steps outside to talk to the guy who barged in here acting like something is very wrong.

I am beyond confused, but at this point when am I not confused? I do not even understand my life anymore. If you could even call it a life. I slowly walk over to the fish tank and watch the pretty fish swimming around in the water. It must be nice to be a fish, to swim around so carelessly and not have a worry in the world. Maybe fish for have worries that we could never imagine, but as I am watching the rainbow colors dancing in all different directions of the tank I can't help but wish I was one of them right now. My eyes drift to the one-eyed fish. This is the only colorless thing inside of this aquarium. He is different, he stands out. Ugly in so many different ways, but yet still somehow a beautiful creature.

My deep thoughts are wiped away when the door of the cabin slings open, revealing a frustrated-looking Harry. The dirty blonde is still there, but he just stands at the entrance as if he is waiting for something. Harry walks towards me and snatches my arm, pulling me without hesitation.

"C'mon you are going with us," he informs me.

"What? Where are we going?" He doesn't answer but gives me an annoyed look that tells me to stop asking questions. The dirty blonde starts to walk in a certain direction, Harry and I following closely behind. As we are walking at a slower pace, the blonde keeps looking at me.

"I'm Niall by the way," He tells me.

"I'm An-"

"Anna, yeah I know we have all heard a lot about you." I am taken aback by his comment. Who is 'we?' And more importantly why have they heard a lot about me? I do not answer him because I don't know what I would say. I nod my head and continue down the path that they are leading me. Why do I feel like they are a part of some type of cult? I hope I get out of this place soon. But who am I kidding?

We eventually stop walking when we get to what looks like an abandoned street. There are small buildings down the street, but they don't seem to be vacant. It looks like a small ghost town. Niall pulls a set of keys out of his back pocket and finds a certain key that looks to be painted red. He opens the door and we walk into the old building.

A faint sound of music is playing as we walk inside. It isn't until I step foot inside that I realize we are not alone. The music gets louder as I fully step inside. The lights are dim, but not too dark that I can't see what the building looks like. The floors are black and white tiles and there are counters with tall red chairs in the middle of the room. It looks like it used to be a diner. The further we walk, the louder the sound of music gets. We finally get to the room and I can see where the music was projecting from. There was a vintage-looking record player sat on a table in this room. It is not until that moment that I realize we are not alone. I look up and see two more guys sitting at a table and across from them are two girls. One of the girls is wearing her hair in a tall beehive with many random braids falling out of it. The other girl is wearing a hat over her hair like I am. The two guys look intimidating, but not near as much as Harry is. One has raven colored hair and is quite handsome. The other guy has a buzz cut and is very built, he looks as if he works out daily. They both have tattoos painted on both of their arms.

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