~Chapter 30~

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I wake up feeling warm and cozy, laying somewhere soft and cushy. My entire body feels like it is laying on a cloud. I can feel that there are many pillows behind my head and I am confused as to where I am. When I open my eyes, I am met with the familiar color of pale yellow walls.

Laying here in this comfortable dream of a bed makes me remember that the last time I slept in a bed was when I was back home in mine and Rylee's apartment. Ever since I woke up that day and made the horrible decision to go to the beach, I have either been sleeping on the cold hard ground or not even sleeping at all. I have never been more thankful than I am right at this moment to be laying in a bed.

I don't remember laying down in this bed last night. I don't even remember coming into my room, then again I can't seem to recall many things that happened last night. I remember going to the club and then getting tipsy, I remember flashes of Harry punching someone in the face, I remember Harry and me in a bathroom. I think I had a bloody face, but I am not sure. What the hell happened last night?

As much as I wish that I could lay here in these sheets and sleep all day, I need to get up and try to remember the events that took place a few hours before now.

I slowly push the big white comforter off of my legs, groaning in pain at the headache that comes all of a sudden once I sit up. How drunk did I get? I don't remember drinking too much.

I make my way to my small bathroom with my fingers on the sides of my forehead, trying to rub the headache away. The lights are off and I struggle trying to find the light switch since I am not used to this room yet. When I finally find it, I flip it on and almost jump back at the sight of my reflection.

I guess that small hint of a memory that I have of me with a bloody face was real and not just a figment of my imagination because my cheekbone on the right side of my face looks bruised and puffy. It's not terrible, but something definitely went down last night and for the life of me, I can't pull the memories out from the depths of my brain.

I am still wearing the clothes that I wore to the club last night, but they are slightly wrinkled and messy from sleeping in them. My hat isn't on my head anymore though, it must be somewhere in this cabin though because as long as Harry was with me, he would have made sure I kept it on. I know for a fact that I was with Harry the entire night, that much I can remember. I have visions coming back to me of us in the elevator and then sitting in front of the sunflower painting in the diner. I have a vague memory of a short conversation that we had, confirming that he painted the piece of art, which brings a smile to my face.

I remember Harry being gentle and oddly nice to me last night. I see flashes of us drinking beer together in the diner at the counter and sitting in the tall chairs, but everything after that is a blur.

My head is pounding now, making me wish I was still asleep and could just forget all of my worries. I look at the shower through the mirror and feel a sense of calmness, knowing that I can shower in this all I want and Harry can't stop me because it is mine. My clothes are immediately stripped off of me and I am quickly stepping under the heat of the steamy warm water. I love hot showers, but right now this feels even better than they usually do. I haven't had a chance to actually take a long-needed shower since coming to this dreaded place. It's nice to feel some of my worries wash away.

As minutes pass by and I start to wake up a bit more, I slowly begin to regain some of my memories from the club. The details of those vague flashes are making me understand more of what happened.

I remember the guy who Harry beat up was the bartender and he was hitting on me. I remember his name being Nick, and I remember watching Harry getting angry as Nick said something to me across the loud room. That must be why Harry beat him up. I think I remember trying to stop Harry and then being knocked down, which would explain the bruised cheek.

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