~Chapter 45~

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I am not in a good mood.

Why would I be after what that asshole did to me last night? 

I barely got any sleep after he stopped in the middle of what we were doing just as it was getting good. After he cockily licked his fingers clean, he just turned over with his back to me and fell asleep as if nothing had even happened.

Like I said, asshole.

I lied there for hours just trying to force myself into sleep, but only ended up falling into it just as the sun began to come up. I kept replaying everything in my head, worrying about all of the things I said in my vulnerable state. I just know he is going to use that against me some time. I only slept for an hour before waking up to an empty bed with no Harry to be seen beside me.

I'm pissed at him, so he better watch his dick when we run into each other.

I don't know what I'm getting so worked up over, it's just him. He makes me furious all the time. Every single thing he does makes me want to trade positions and be the one dangling him over the edge of a cliff. Or cutting him open and pouring salt into his wound.

That's the difference between me and Harry though. I'm only thinking about it, I'd never actually do that to a person, not even him.

I don't want to get out of this bed. I know that the second I walk through those doors, I am going to have to pretend that I don't hate Harry's guts.

I don't get what he meant when he told me that us pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend is for my own safety. What does that even mean?

The thought lingers for a few moments as I try to think of some way that his reason makes sense, but I can't come up with one. I finally push the wonder to the back of my head and try not to think about it for now.

The fact that Harry was actually being tolerant-able yesterday to the point that I didn't have a problem being in the same room as him was great until he fucked it up with his little stunt last night.

He's gonna pay for that.

I groan as I quite literally roll out of the bed, bringing the covers with me as I plop to the floor with a thud. I could just stay down here all day and be happy, but I know I can't do that.

I sigh as I stand up and throw the thick comforter back onto Niall's spare guest bed and walk towards the door so I can go to the bathroom to take care of my hygiene as per usual in the mornings.

I'm relieved to see nobody in the hallway as I quietly make my way over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I open the drawer to find the spare toothbrush Niall let me use and pull it out before quickly brushing my teeth thoroughly.

As I brush, my mind goes to how much noise we were both probably making last night. It couldn't have been too loud since neither one of us got to our highs, but my thoughts are still on Jenny's room right across from ours, Liam and Zayn on our right, and Niall on our left.

God, I hope they were sleeping.

I finish up with my teeth and then splash some water on my face. I look up and see my reflection in the mirror, but I don't see myself anymore. I can only see a girl who was forced to become who she is now, and I don't even know who that is.

I don't get to see my reflection too often these days. It's not like Harry has mirrors just sitting around at his cabin. He only has three that I know of. One of them being the giant oval one I found in the forbidden closet, but still. I don't like to look at it too much these days anyway, all I see is what I shouldn't be; sadder, uglier, and broken. But I try not to think about that too much.

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