~Chapter 4~

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"Come on," Harry suddenly says as he stands up from the bench that we had been sitting on. He grabs the pizza boxes and the cinnamon rolls that we didn't touch.

"Where are we going?" I ask, knowing that I probably will not get a decent answer.

"I have a few things to take care of," He says and starts to walk back down the small hill that overlooked that gray ocean. "Not a word out of your mouth once we are at the bottom of the hill." I roll my eyes, but do not argue with his demand. I am still not sure why I am not allowed to speak, but I would rather not get killed like Harry said I would if I spoke.

We walk silently down the colorless hill, me trailing after Harry's long strides. Once we are at the bottom, I notice his demeanor change again. His posture worsens and his once-long strides turn to normal steps. My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as I study his change in conduct. He looks as if he is just as scared as I am. It does not make sense for Harry to be fearful of these people. He acts like he is the dominant one when he is around me, but these people must have something on him if his manner changes that quickly. With his shoulders slumped in bad posture and his head down, he walks closely in front of me.

We walk past a few people, all of them dressed in the equally odd outfits that seem to be trendy around here. The girls have their hair in all different types of styles. My favorite one that I have seen so far is a girl who had all of her hair in five buns straight down the middle of her hand like a mohawk. I remember the hat that is still sitting on top of my hair. Harry told me that I had to wear it unless I wanted one of those hairstyles, but I have yet to see another girl wearing a hat. But I haven't seen one with a normal hairdo either. I wonder if someone made them wear their hair like that. I guess it was a pretty obvious answer since I had to wear the hat. But why?

We are heading back towards Cherry Street where the bakery was. I tried my best to take in everything around me. There were what seemed to be pubs, restaurants, stores, and I think I even saw a gift shop. That is odd, who would want to visit this place? I don't think I would ever travel to this island for fun. It was too dull and the people here did not seem too friendly.

A sudden yank of my wrist pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up and see Harry pulling me with force towards the opposite way of where we were headed. There is a man with a book in his hands passing us. I can't see much, only that he is wearing clothes different from the other men here. He looks like he could be a pastor of some sort.

"Wh-" I start to ask out of fright, completely forgetting that I am not supposed to talk unless he tells me to.

"Shut your mouth and keep your head down," He says in a tone that seems to be panic. I Look up at him in confusion, but he pushes my head so that I am watching our feet as we walk. His steps are now more like strides than the peaceful steps of just moments before. "Keep your head down," He growls through his teeth. "We have to get home immediately." He practically runs all the way back to his secluded cabin, dragging me by the wrist. Once we get there, he walks around to the side door like he did when he first brought me here and opens the door quickly. He slams it once we are inside and takes a deep breath.

"Okay. What the hell?" I say, still completely flabbergasted by the whole situation. He lets go of my wrist and walks into the giant living room. I follow him and sit on the leather couch as he paces the wooden floor back and forth. He doesn't say a word, he just keeps one hand on his temple and the crevices between his eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration. After what seems to be hours, I decide to speak again. "So are you going to tell me why you just ran back here like you were being chased by a dinosaur or are you going to continue to pace the floor?" He freezes and his body becomes tense before he looks up at me. My blood goes cold and I immediately regret talking. In one quick motion, Harry strides across the floor, and I feel his body lean on top of mine against the couch. I'm shaking with fear as I look into his dark eyes.

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