~Chapter 12~

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I don't know what to do.

Harry told me to run as fast as I could once I poured the water. I did what he told me to do, but what he didn't inform me was that he would disappear when I ran. What if Pig got him? What if he fell into some kind of trap along the way? Millions of questions and scenarios are swarming through my head.

I don't even know where I am supposed to go. He never specified that, he only said to run. I turn away from the beach and continue to jog back towards town, but something in my mind tells me to stop and go look for Harry. I don't even care about him. I mean if you would have told me a week ago that I would be risking my life to find where my kidnapper is, I wouldn't have believed it. But without Harry, I might as well bury myself in the grave he made me dig because I don't know my way around this island. I could accidentally get myself killed and not even see it coming, I need to find Harry.

I start walking towards the water again, hoping to find any trace of Harry. I walk back to the "accidental" water spilling and see that everyone is gone but I spot a bunch of footsteps on the sand.

There is way more there than just Harry, Helena, and mine. I go back through my memory in an attempt to find where Harry was hiding. It was between two rocks along the shore. I head that way and find footsteps leading back to the mainland. I don't know where I'm going but I hope that I find Harry. The last thing I need to happen is to accidentally run into Pig.

I am walking with my head down as I don't take my eyes off of the footprints, afraid that I may lose track of them. I continue to walk until I bump into a hard surface. My breath hitches in my throat and I freeze. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping and praying that I didn't just run into a person. I slowly open my eyes and look in front of me to see what it is. My heart begins to beat and I am relieved when I realize that it was only a big tall rock that I ran into. I laugh softly to myself until I hear distant voices coming from in front of me.

I duck behind the rocks as I hear the voices just a few feet away from the rock. I hold my breath, only hoping that they can't see me from where I stand.

"I can't believe we freaking did that!" a guy's voice yells.

"Can you just shut up," another voice says, "I'm tired of being stuck with you, I don't know why that idiot put us together." This voice belonged to a girl. I know I have heard those voices before, but I don't know where. I decide that it is better not to stay and find out.

I duck and start running towards the next giant rock and see another person is lurking in the shadows.

My vision is blocked from the sail of the boat that sits in front of the person. I huff and try to move as far as I can without being seen.

"This is the worst thing I have ever done. I don't know if I can continue this much longer," the male voice says. He sounds worried and I instantly recognize who the voice belongs to.

"Niall, you know what will happen if we don't continue. Just suck it up and grow a pair," the female voice responds. If the male voice was Niall then the girl being a bitch must be-

"Jenny!" A new voice breaks me from my thoughts. "Stop acting like these tasks are like playing on a playground. Niall has a right to feel guilty after what you two just did." This voice I knew from the moment the sound left their lips. Although the tone of his voice wasn't quite as big and bad as I am used to.

Without thinking, I step out from the rock and walk over to the sailboats, where they are all standing.

"Harry, where the hell have you been?" I say in frustration, " I have been looking all over the island for you!" I say in a whisper scream. I glance at three people in front of me.

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