Heroes Never Die

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in an update, again. This is the last chapter for Season 2, and I will be starting a new fic for Seasons 3 and 4

I've been reading a lot of Twilight fics recently, I've developed an obsession with Jasper and I'm loving any Jasper/Bella or Jasper/OC fics. I've been toying with the idea of bringing Jasper into my fic, with Bella. Damon could call on his old war friend to help track down Stefan whilst he's off with Klaus perhaps. If I did that I would probably write a new fic that is Jasper/Bella (but the vampires are TVD style not sparkly cold ones) and then pick this back up and merge the two. What are everyone's thoughts? Keep this TVD only or make it a crossover? Please let me know!


April 29th 2010, Mystic Falls, Virginia

Song: Finish Line; Skillet

Heroes never die

Gonna make it to the finish line

We know we survive

Even if we crawl to the finish line

I won't believe it, underdog dreamin'

Don't need no cheers, world's gonna see it

Heroes never die

Gonna make it to the finish line

Imogen's POV

I wake with Damon's shirt clad arm wrapped around my waist. I fell asleep before Damon arrived home last night, and I didn't stir when he came to bed. I'm guessing he was exhausted too since he didn't manage to change out of his clothes. I roll over to face him.

"Morning. How did it go last night?" I ask. Damon sighs.

"John gave his life for Elena, so she came back to life, and he's dead." He tells me.

"The potion would have worked." I say. Damon shrugs.

"He wasn't so sure, and it gets rid of one annoyance in our lives."

"True. I know I should be sad, I was raised with him as my Uncle, I'm just not. I never liked him." I say. "What about Klaus?"

"Ahh. That. He told Elijah he didn't really ditch your aunt and uncles bodies at sea and if Elijah killed him he'd never know where they were, so Elijah double crossed us and didn't kill him." Damon explains.

I close my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Never trust family." I grumble.

"There's more." Damon says. I open my eyes and cock an eyebrow at him.

"I found out Katherine suggested he use Caroline and Tyler as his vampire and wolf."

"Please tell me he didn't?" I exclaim.

"Shhh Imz. I rescued them. He used Jules as his wolf and a Vampire I've never seen before."

I heave a big sigh of relief. My sister and friends are all still alive.

"Too tired to change last night?" I ask indicating Damon's shirt.

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