I Was Just Thinking Of You

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October 30th 2009, Mystic Falls, Virginia

Song: Don't Mind Me; Walking On Cars

Don't mind me, don't mind me

I was just thinking of you

I feel alive inside, oh finally I feel alive inside

Don't mind me, don't mind me

I was just thinking of you

I feel alive inside, oh finally I feel alive inside

Imogen's POV

The last few weeks have been quiet. Stefan tried to blame Damon for the teens in the cemetery but I told him that it wasn't him. I'm not sure if he believes that though.

We've been trying to look into the Soulmate bond that Grams told us about, but have not had much luck so far. We have blood shared some more and we have both felt the bond strengthen. We have found that we can both shut off the connection temporarily if we need to, and when we are close enough we can use it to communicate, almost like speaking but I hear Damon's voice in my head and he hears mine in his. It's very handy when we need to say things we don't want others to hear, although Damon often uses it to tell me what he would like to do to me later when he gets me in bed when our siblings are around. He's insatiable, although I'm not complaining.

Talking of Damon and I, we've been spending a lot of time together. I either stay at the boarding house or he sneaks in through my bedroom window and stays at my house. I know I'm 19, but Aunt Jenna has made it clear she doesn't think we should spend every night together so this makes her think we don't sleep together every night. I've still been spending time with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena at the Grill after college. Stefan and Elena are still broken up, and they're both miserable about it. It's the lying that Elena is struggling to forgive, not the fact that Stefan is a Vampire. He's still not even told her that she looks exactly like Katherine. You'd think he would have learnt by now.

It's Friday, which means I finished college early. I pick Scarlett up from daycare and head to the Grill where I'm meeting Damon for lunch. As I walk in the door he comes over and takes Scarlett from me. She's 5 months old now and she's starting to get heavy in her car seat.

"Hey" he says, giving me a kiss.

"Hi" I reply, kissing him back. He leads me to a table and gets Scarlett out of her seat, sitting her in his lap.

The waitress comes over and we order drinks and burgers for both of us.

"She's changed so much in the last couple of months" Damon says as Scarlett bashes one hand on the table whilst chewing a finger of her other hand.

"She has. They change so fast. I kind of miss her being a tiny baby" I say with a sad smile.

It can always be arranged for us to have another" he says, waggling his eyebrows at me.

I chuckle "Not just yet, maybe when she's walking". Damon grins in response.

Our food and drinks arrive and we eat. Scarlett steals a fry from Damon's plate and sucks on it.

"She's going to be ready for real food soon" I say. Damon nods.

We're just finishing up when I get a phone call from Elena.

"Hi Elena" I say.

"Imogen! Vicki has just turned up here and she's acting really weird. She says the sun hurts her eyes. Can you come home?"

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