Every Wound Will Shape Me

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A/N: I'm sorry it's been longer than usual between chapters. I've been busy with Christmas preparations.

Because of things that have been changed in past chapters, there are things that now won't happen, such as Jules biting Rose etc. Moving forwards this story is probably going to be following the show less, but there will still be the main events happening, such as Klaus, the sacrifice, Damon's bite etc. This chapter covers 3 episodes of season 2. Klaus will be here before we know it.

Thank you to everyone for your comments and votes. They keep us writers motivated!


March 24th 2010, Mystic Falls, Virginia

Song: Throne; Bring Me The Horizon

So you can throw me to the wolves

Tomorrow I will come back

Leader of the whole pack

Beat me black and blue

Every wound will shape me

Every scar will build my throne

Imogen's POV

The next morning my head is still spinning with the information Elijah gave us. He is my Dad and my Mom is still alive. I'm still unsure what to think of that and the fact I was adopted. I also think there is more that Elijah has to tell us, but I was getting overwhelmed yesterday and I think he could see that.

I look up at my sleeping husband from where my head is laid on his chest. He always looks so innocent when he's asleep. I think about how much my life has changed since he came into it, and I truly wouldn't have it any other way.

I have a sudden thought: Damon can control crows, and he can also make fog happen. We know those gifts are to do with him being descended from a powerful witch. I make a mental note to ask Elijah if he knows anything about that and what other gifts or powers Damon may have.

"You're thinking too hard for this time of the morning." I hear him mumbling into my hair.

"I thought you were still asleep." I reply.

"I was, but I can feel the tension in you." he replies, opening his eyes to look at me.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

He kisses my head and tightens his arms around me. "Don't be, you have a lot to consider."

"I get the feeling Elijah hasn't told us everything." I say.

"Me too. I don't think he's hiding anything on purpose though. I think he stopped so you can process what he said before he tells you more."

"That's what I thought. I know he explained the reasons why he let me be adopted, and they do make sense, but I can't help but feel somewhat abandoned by them. I knew nothing of what I am, we've had to figure it out by ourselves with the help of the books Bree gave me. Surely they could have found a way to let me know?"

"Someone obviously wanted to let you know. Didn't Bree say that a Jacobs witch left her the grimoires as she had a vision you would go there needing help?" Damon asks.

"You're right, she did. I wonder if Elijah or Sophia know anything about that." I say.

"I think you need to have another conversation with Elijah." He replies. I hum in response.

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