Pink or Blue?

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A/N: As usual, anything you recognise is not mine!

I also seem to have gotten my writing mojo back! You'll notice you've not waited weeks for an update, only days! And the next chapter is already in progress!

Thank you to everyone who has commented and voted. You keep me wanting to carry on writing!

We find out if baby is a boy or a girl in this chapter. There is another author's note at the end about the name!


July 6th, 2010

The last couple of weeks have been relatively quiet. When Caroline didn't reply about the girl's day the other week, Damon and I went looking for her the following day. Apparently Carol Lockwood had suspicions about her and Tyler being vampires, and had put vervain on her purse. When she went to pick it up as she was sneaking out on Tyler the night of Elena's birthday party it burned her, so Carol injected her with vervain and locked her up. She called Bill Forbes who came and proceeded to torture the vampire out of her. Who would even do that to their own child?!

Bonnie, Elena and I spent time with her in the days that followed to help her deal with the torture, and in true Caroline fashion she soon bounced back to her usual self. As a parent myself I would quite happily kill Bill Forbes if I ever see him again. Damon feels the same, which is quite the contradiction to the image he portrayed of himself before we met. Of course only those close to him get to see that side of him. To the rest of the world he's still big bad Damon Salvatore.

"Come on Imz!" Damon calls up the stairs. "Your breakfast is getting cold."

"I'm coming." I reply, starting down the stairs.

Today we have another appointment with Dr Fell to check on the baby and also find out the gender. I'm 17 weeks along now, nearly halfway. I had to go shopping a couple of weeks ago for new clothes as barely anything fit anymore. Damon came with me and both Scarlett and bump ended up with a bunch of stuff. Scarlett got some new clothes and a couple toys and bump got a few neutral outfits. We're waiting to find out whether we're having a boy or another girl before we buy anything else, although Damon has already started work on the room next to ours (the opposite side to the nursery Damon did for Scarlett) to turn it into a princess themed room for Scarlett. We have the furniture ordered and it should arrive in a couple of weeks. We will then freshen up the nursery for bump, ready for when her or she arrives.

I walk into the kitchen and see Damon sat with Scarlett whilst she chews on some toast.

"Who's my beautiful baby girl?" He coos at her. I always find it so cute when he talks to her like that. He's so good with her and she adores him. She's a Daddy's girl and most definitely has him wrapped around her finger.

"Mama" Scarlett replies.

Damon chuckles lightly. "Yes, she's beautiful too."

I sit down and eat my breakfast whilst Damon coaxes Scarlett to eat and warms up blood bags for both of us. Who said men can't multi task?

Once we are all fed I clean up Scarlett whilst Damon cleans the kitchen and loads the dishwasher at vampire speed, which makes Scarlett giggle. We head to the library once we're finished so Scarlett can play until we need to leave. I set Scarlett on the floor with her toys and Damon and I cuddle on one of the leather couches.

"I still don't understand how I got so lucky." Damon says.

"Don't question it, just be happy." I reply.

We sit watching our Daughter play for a little while then she crawls over to the chair and pulls herself up to stand. She's been doing this for a few weeks now, but so far she hasn't taken any steps without holding on to something.

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