Now I See The World Through Diamond Eyes

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A/N - This is my first ever attempt at writing TVD fanfiction. The idea was rolling round my head and wouldn't go away until I did something about it.

Please let me know if you think it's worth continuing. The first two chapters are completely my own, Chapter 3 will start to follow the show from the Pilot. There will be some dialogue from the show used, but I want to keep this to a minimum where possible as I don't want to be just copy and pasting show transcripts.

I own nothing TVD related. I wish I owned Damon, we would have so much fun. Imogen and Scarlett are my own though.


September 27th 2008, Columbus, Ohio

Song: Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM) Shinedown

I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes,

I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Imogen's POV

It was late September and we were in Columbus, Ohio. We'd come out on a trip with the girl's trip to see one of my favourite bands, Shinedown, and were making a weekend of it. I'd been dragged to a party the night after the show however as much as I love a good party but after the state I had gotten myself in the night before there was no way I was going to touch alcohol tonight. I was lingering around the outside of the room watching my friends get drunk and flirt their way around the boys when I locked on the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Then they disappeared.

Damon's POV

I'd come to this party to do the usual; eat and enjoy myself. Parties full of drunk high schoolers or college parties are always a good place to practice snatch-eat-erase, and if I can find a hot girl to take to bed who am I to complain? I was wondering around drinking my signature glass of bourbon when I locked eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 169 years. Her eyes were a beautiful chocolate shade of brown and she had mid length brown hair that I was dying to run my fingers through. The intense feelings hit me like a ton of bricks. My humanity was off. What. The. Fuck. I quickly made my way outside because having a full on vampire freak out was not going to end well and I didn't need to be caught at a high school party.

Imogen's POV

Feeling bored I decided to make my way outside. I was wondering around lost in my thoughts when I saw the back of a man in a black leather jacket up ahead leaning on the railings. His raven black hair was dishevelled as though he'd been running his hands through it. He downed the remains of his drink and looked up, his eyes locking on mine. The same blue eyes that I'd seen inside. I instantly felt my insides turn to jelly; he was hot and his gaze so intense.

"I... Uh... I d-didn't mean to interrupt" I stammered.

"You didn't" he replied with a smirk that made my ovaries declare they had to have his babies.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"Just thinking" he replied. "What about you?"

"I just needed some air. I'm not drinking after getting myself in a state at a show last night" I replied. "Lost my friends too" I say, waving my phone.

"I'm Damon" he said, his voice husky with lust.

"Imogen Gilbert" I blurt, blushing. I have no clue why I've just given a total stranger my last name.

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